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Los Angeles, CA
Unit: setembre de 2015
Va néixer el 09 d’octubre

@RealGDT està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @RealGDT per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Tuit fixat
    7 des. 2016

    If you have an "egg account" and you follow me, you may want to add a picture. I block these every 48 hours. Gracias

  2. 21 gen.

    My 18 seconds of a Trollhunters recreation... thing.

  3. 21 gen.

    いつかちゃんと描きたいシリーズ のドラールちゃん

  4. 21 gen.

    I'm loving , I was compelled to draw Angor Rot. Thank you so much for an incredibly inspiring series.

  5. 21 gen.
  6. 29 gen.
  7. fa 18 hores

    Birds of a feather or should we say sit on each others laps? is a puppet for

    , , and 7 others
  8. fa 16 hores

    A reminder that Steve Bannon is an evil white supremacist whose website printed the strangest propaganda about me:

  9. 30 gen.

    Days it took for disapproval rating to rise above 50% Reagan: 727 Bush Snr: 1336 Clinton: 573 Bush: 1205 Obama: 936 Trump: 8 (Gallup)

  10. fa 5 hores

    Former President Obama issues statement rejecting Trump’s immigration orders and praising protests

  11. fa 10 hores

    ‘America is created by immigrants’: NASCAR’s Dale Earnhardt Jr. stands up for refugees after Trump’s ban

  12. fa 10 hores

    Steve Bannon sitting on the National Security Council is dangerous and unprecedented. He must be removed.

  13. fa 5 hores

    “You illegally deported that man in violation of my order so you are going to go over there and GET HIM BACK.” —LA federal judge

  14. fa 5 hores

    Someone who worked on two films with Bannon and says they were friends. You can check his IMDb credits.

  15. fa 8 hores

    Again my this shot with a ghostly image of my head in the upper Lt. corner. Long exposure shot using candle light

  16. fa 5 hores

    times like these I like to go back to thinking of nothing but designing the Hero's Forge

  17. fa 4 hores

    At Home with Monsters is coming to MIA and AGO

  18. 29 gen.

    All of a sudden, American Intelligence assets are turning up dead or arrested in Moscow.

  19. 29 gen.

    15 hours later, and the WH Press Secretary is still agreeing with The Onion that he is a mouthpiece for misinformation.

  20. fa 12 hores

    Can’t wait to see which one Trump picks for the Supreme Court.

  21. fa 12 hores

    Walking Corpses, Devils and Haunted Shoemakers in ’s by

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