Piers MorganTài khoản được xác nhận


'One day you're the cock of the walk, the next a feather duster.'

London, Newick, LA.
Đã tham gia tháng 11 năm 2010

@piersmorgan bị chặn

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  1. John Lewis making lots of money from this inauguration protest.

  2. No, I'm already his good friend. What's painful is the pitiful OTT liberal hysteria since he won a free, fair, democratic election.

  3. Thanks mate, great to hear from you again. That was a fun day.

  4. As opposed to you, buddy, who's built a career around the fact that nobody has ever heard of you. 😂

  5. Can we deport stupid celebrities like Lily Allen as part of the Brexit deal?

  6. I can't debate serious matters with illiterate Spurs fans, Hamid. a) It's 'admitting'. b) It's 'you're'.

  7. The US election is not determined by popular vote, but by the electoral college. Campaigns are fought purely on that basis.

  8. I respect Lewis for his civil rights work & his stand against gun violence. But this inauguration protest stunt demeans him & democracy.

  9. Inauguration Day celebrates American democracy & the peaceful transfer of presidential power. If you snub it, you snub democracy & America.

  10. Didn't you promise to leave the country if Trump won? Why are you still in America?

  11. You started this ridiculous boycott & you can end it. Put your country before petty political point-scoring.

  12. Imagine being a Democrat protesting against Democracy?

  13. Want to talk about neanderthal level idiocy?

  14. Amazing...even then, all about being President.

  15. Always better to negotiate from a position of perceived strength. Cameron did it from position of weakness & got nowhere.

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