

Attention Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!

Class Reference

The files of WordPress define many useful PHP Classes. This article will try to list all/most of the core classes.


The following classes were created by WordPress developers:

External Classes

The following classes are part of other packages included with WordPress.

AtomLib - Atom Syndication Format PHP Library.

  • AtomLib

IXR - XML-RPC Classes: todo

Snoopy - HTTP client:

  • Snoopy


  • gettext_reader - Localization Class

MagpieRSS - a simple RSS integration tool:

  • MagpieRSS
  • RSSCache


  • PclZip - PclZip is the class that represent a Zip archive.

PemFTP - A Ftp implementation in pure PHP:

  • ftp_base
    • ftp

PHPMailer - Email sending library for PHP:

  • PHPMailer

PasswordHash - Portable PHP password hashing framework:

  • PasswordHash


  • POMO_FileReader
  • POMO_Reader
    • POMO_StringReader
      • POMO_CachedFileReader
        • POMO_CachedIntFileReader
  • Translations
    • Gettext_Translations
      • MO

POP3 - SquirrelMail wrapper

  • POP3


  • SpellChecker
    • EnchantSpell
    • GoogleSpell
    • PSpell
    • PSpellShell
  • Moxiecode_JSON
  • Moxiecode_JSONReader
  • Moxiecode_Logger

Services JSON - Converts to and from JSON format.

  • Services_JSON
  • Services_JSON_Error

SimplePie> - A PHP-Based RSS and Atom Feed Framework.

  • SimplePie
  • SimplePie_Author
  • SimplePie_Cache
  • SimplePie_Cache_DB
    • SimplePie_Cache_MySQL
  • SimplePie_Cache_File
  • SimplePie_Caption
  • SimplePie_Category
  • SimplePie_Content_Type_Sniffer - Content-type sniffing.
  • SimplePie_Copyright
  • SimplePie_Credit
  • SimplePie_Decode_HTML_Entities - Decode HTML Entities.
  • SimplePie_Enclosure
  • SimplePie_File



See also index of Class Reference and index of Function Reference.