Boxer Text Editor: the Best Text Editor for Windows

Boxer is a full-featured text editor for Windows that's easy to use, but sufficiently powerful for even the most complex text editing tasks. Our text editor is the perfect tool for editing HTML files, program source code, flat database files, binary files, massive log files, Unicode files, batch files, INI files … almost any file you can imagine.

  • Powerful macro language
  • Color syntax highlighting
  • HTML editing support
  • Hex/binary editing
  • Edit files up to 2 Gigabytes
  • Color syntax printing
  • Active spell checking
  • Manipulate text in column blocks
  • Portable/USB stick editing
  • RegExp search and replace
  • Reconfigurable keyboard
  • Extensive configurability
  • Auto-complete words and phrases
  • Ctags function indexing
  • Unicode UTF-8 and UTF-16 editing
  • Keystroke recording
  • FTP, Project support
  • Much, much more …

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Text Editor Product

Dr. File Finder says …

"The Boxer Text Editor is an impressive piece of programming and a wonderful program to use. It's intuitive even in the way it responds as you work. Impressive. If you're looking for a text editor that has it all, this is what you need to look at. I give it my highest recommendation."
Boxer Text Editor Favorite Pick

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Text Editor Award

Our text editor was awarded 5 cows at Tucows … their highest rating!

Click to see other awards our text editor has won.

I've always been a "I don't care about the ratchet, just so I can turn bolts." kind of guy. Then along comes Boxer Text Editor. It's a nuclear-powered, gold-plated ratchet on steroids... and it's changed my attitude about not caring which ratchet I use. Nice job... on all of it.

— Larry W.

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“Boxer” Text Editor and “Text Monkey” are trademarks of Boxer Software.
Other names are trademarks of their respective holders.