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Labour and delivery

More Labour and delivery

Preparing for birth

Getting your baby into position for birth

How to encourage your baby into the best position for birth: We review the techniques.

Antenatal classes

Can raspberry leaf tea help to ease labour?

Labour and birth help organisations

What is the third stage of labour?

See all in Preparing for birth

Natural ways to bring on labour

Natural ways to bring on labour: a guide

Is it safe? Does it work? How do I try it? We review natural methods to bring on labour.

What is a membrane sweep?

I'm overdue: now what?

Is it true that a bumpy ride can bring on labour?

Natural ways to bring on labour: photos

See all in Natural ways to bring on labour


Breathing techniques for labour

In labour, you should try to keep your breathing rhythmical. Find out why this is important and how to do it!

Labour and birth (vaginal delivery)

Signs of labour

How can I avoid the need for an episiotomy?

Apgar scale

See all in Labour

Pain relief in labour

Natural pain relief in labour

A guide to natural methods of coping with pain during labour.

Entonox (gas and air)


‘Mobile’ or ‘walking’ epidural


See all in Pain relief in labour

Labour complications

Speeding up labour

How long is a normal labour? Why might labour be slow? What can I do to speed up labour? Find out the answer to these questions and more!

Breech birth


Induced labour

Can my breech baby be turned safely?

See all in Labour complications

Caesarean section

Caesarean section: overview

Why might I need a caesarean section? What happens during a caesarean? We answer your questions.

Recovery after a caesarean birth

I'm scared of labour pain. Can I opt for a caesarean section?

How many caesareans can I safely have?

Parents' tips: how to cope if you feel disappointed after a caesarean

See all in Caesarean section

Birth partners

The role of a birth partner

Having someone you know and trust with you during labour can be of great help. Read on to know how they can help you give birth.

Dads: 10 ways to be the perfect birth partner

How can I find a doula to attend my birth?

See all in Birth partners


The pros and cons of water birth

Is it safe to labour and give birth in water? What are the possible benefits of labouring in water? Find out!

The history of water birth

What the research says about waterbirth

Planning a water birth

How to use a birth pool

See all in Waterbirth

Your birth stories

Aditya's birth: "The doctor didn't believe the contractions were real!"

Want to know what to expect during childbirth? Read real labour stories from BabyCenter mums.

A mother's take on adoption

Siddhanth Amar's birth: "It was a pre-planned caesarean section..."

Avani's birth: "The amniotic fluid had reduced, baby was underweight and there was placental insufficiency"

Rayhaan's birth: "I was taken to the ICU for monitoring"

See all in Your birth stories

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