
Pregnancy complications

More Pregnancy complications


Low-lying placenta (placenta praevia)

Is there anything I can do to prevent pre-eclampsia?

Gestational diabetes

I'm measuring large for my stage of pregnancy. Is something wrong?

Anaemia (iron deficiency) in pregnancy

My doctor's suggested a cervical stitch. What is it?

How age affects pregnancy

What does it mean if I have protein in my urine?

Should I worry if I have low platelets?

What is an ovarian cyst?

Pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore

Ectopic pregnancy

I can't stop vomiting, and I'm afraid to eat or drink anything. Is this normal?

Abnormalities of the uterus


Obstetric cholestasis

Can a fall or blow to my stomach harm my unborn baby?

What does "small for my stage" mean?

Blood pressure in pregnancy

Is having an anterior placenta a problem?

Low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)

What is my Rhesus status, and how will it affect my pregnancy?

I had some early bleeding but wasn't given anti-D. Should I be worried?

Why do I need the anti-D injection? Can it harm me or my baby?

Is there a "wrong combination" of blood groups and can it harm my baby?

Molar pregnancy

Lifestyle changes to deal with gestational diabetes

What is genetic counseling?

Macrosomia (big baby)

High blood pressure in pregnancy (gestational hypertension)

Hyperemesis gravidarum

What does "bedrest" really mean?

Bedrest: how to cope

Placental abruption

Low birth weight in pregnancy

Diet for gestational diabetes

I have gestational diabetes. Will I still be able to breastfeed my baby?

My mum had gestational diabetes. Will I get it too?

I have gestational diabetes. Will my baby be OK?

 I have gestational diabetes. Is this the same as normal diabetes?

Can I have a vaginal birth if I have gestational diabetes?

Cervical cerclage or stitch

Uterine fibroids during pregnancy

Ageing or calcification of the placenta

I have hypothyroidism. Can it affect my unborn baby?

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