Playlist privacy settings

As the owner of a playlist, you have the option to make your playlist public, private, or unlisted, just like you can for individual videos.

Find out which privacy setting is right for your playlist

Feature Unlisted Private Public
Can share URL Yes No Yes
Can be added to a channel section Yes No Yes
Show up in search and related No No Yes
Will be posted in your channel upon creation No No Yes

To change your playlist settings, visit your Video Manager, then click Playlists on the left side of the page.

Next, click Edit next to the playlist you'd like to update. This will take you to the individual playlist you’d like to manage. From here, click Playlist settings and under the “Basic” tab you can update the playlist privacy setting that is right for your playlist.  


At this time, only the Private and Public options are available for new playlists created on mobile devices. 

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