Get Your Hourly Weather Forecast from NOAA’s National Weather Service


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Visit and type your ZIP code or city, state into the box highlighted below by the yellow circle.
Visit and type your ZIP code or city, state into the box highlighted below by the yellow circle.

As part of the National Weather Service’s (NWS) Weather-Ready Nation campaign, the NWS has released a guide to help you access your local hourly weather forecast from your computer or mobile device.  Having access to your hourly forecast can assist in saving lives and property by equipping emergency managers, first responders, government officials, businesses and the public with critical information to make fast and smart decisions.

Record-breaking snowfall, cold temperatures, extended drought, high heat, severe flooding, violent tornadoes, and massive hurricanes have all combined to reach the greatest number of multi-billion dollar weather disasters in the nation’s history.  The devastating impacts of extreme events can be reduced through improved readiness. 

Whether you're at your computer or on your mobile phone, please take time to look at your hour–by–hour weather forecast for the upcoming week.

Here is a step–by–step guide to accessing your hourly forecast. An hourly forecast is available from NWS on your computer at and your mobile device at

Accessing your hourly forecast by mobile phone

Step One
On your mobile phone, visit and type your zip code or city, state into the box highlighted below by the yellow circle and press “Go!”

Step Two
In the “Forecast” box, click the plus sign at the bottom of any of the forecast boxes to get to the hourly forecast starting for that time period.

Step Three
Get your hour-by-hour forecast! Scroll down the page to get hourly forecast information. You can navigate through the hourly forecast for the next 7 days using the buttons at the top of the display.

Accessing your hourly forecast by computer

Step One
Visit and type your ZIP code or city, state into the box highlighted below by the yellow circle. (You can also click on the map over your general location, and then click on your city/county on the second map that appears.)

Step Two
In the “Current Conditions” box at the top of the page, click on “Hourly Weather Graph” listed under the “More Information” heading.

Step Three
Get your hour-by-hour forecast! You can view the hourly forecast for the next seven days using the NWS Hourly Weather Graph.

For more information, please visit the step-by-step guide at the Weather-Ready Nation site.  NOAA’s Weather-Ready Nation is about building community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events and to provide better information for better decisions.  

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Last updated: 2016-01-06 13:23

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