There are 11321 tofz online.

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Here you can see a growing collection of everything that pleases my eyes along my everyday urban life.

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225 $/€ donated so far!

Please drop me a mail if you use or modify my photos, or if you have any question, insult or suggestion !

enjoy and share !


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Latest news on :

Hanging around Berlin and just came back from the great great great great great Chaos Communication Camp 2007, a geek's Woodstock/paradise, with tons of vintage erotic planes, Lightz and tons of other very neat stuff ! Congratulations to the CCC and everyone who took part of organizing that incredible adventure !

Added some branchages, some buildings and some parisian pieces of sky.

tofz was under a thick cover of dust for a long time, but a new camera motivated a new update ! New coins de rues branchages, buildings, metro and tons of other shots (some detritus and chip pr0n too!) I hope i'll find courage to caption them sometimes...

After May 7th protest for digital freedom, against DRM and against the evil DADVSI law (a DMCA-like nightmare) some tofz of a peaceful and funky StopDRM flash mob in a FNAC superstore with Richard Stallman . Let's have fun against DRM !

(For the non french-speakers this piece of news is totally uninteresting) Pour les francophones, je viens d'ouvrir un carnet dans lequel j'ai publié quelques articles relatifs à l'examen du projet de loi Droit d'Auteur et Droits Voisins dans la Société de l'Information (DADVSI), et que je garnirais peut-être au fur et à mesure du temps.

added a few buildings , coins de rues, and some other thingz...
stay tuned for some soon-to-be-made changes (RSS anyone?).

Back online after bad server failures. reconstructing the site... the high-res may not be online before some time. please contact me if you notice anything strange!

Added hundreds of shots from my last trip around Central Europe. Some shots are scattered among different generic galleries such as trains and stations, construction, signs, sculpture and more! Some other shots (i'm late! i'm late!) will follow, along with some captions, i hope...

Added a new rainbow gallery (very rare shots, indeed!) and a new gallery about trains and stations from here and there.
Added a lot of sky, coins de rues, branchages and some other clichéz.

Long time with not update. lots of work, lack of motivation, etc. Added some shots of the Père Lachaise cemetary. I have tons of shots left to upload!

old news can be found here


All these photos are Copyleftopyleft and distributed under the terms of the Licence Art Libre / Free Art License or the Creative Commons by-sa License . (<- you choose yours, defaults to FAL.)

By viewing the content of this site, you accept the terms of this license.

La consultation de ce site implique l'acceptation des termes de cette licence.

It means that you can copy, use, share and modify these photos, as long as:

- you keep a mark of where they're from :
  write my name and (write/link to) my website adress. for example :

" photo jz - "

- you reinclude the same distribution terms 
  put a mention linking to the License, so my photos will always stay Free( "Libre", as in "Free Speech", not "Gratuit" as in "Free Beer") :

"... Copyleft under the Licence Art Libre."
"... Copyleft under the Creative Commons by-sa License. "

Read more infos in the FAQ. If in doubt, contact me.

If you're on any photo of this site, but don't want to, just mail me and I'll remove it.

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