There are over 11,000 miles of British mainland coastline which can be exploited by terrorists and serious criminals.

Since the start of the year, there have been a number of instances of migrants crossing the Channel in small boats and attempts to smuggle banned substances and material into the UK.  

What’s the risk?

The United Kingdom’s border controls are among the most stringent in the world, and whilst the numbers of those being transported across the maritime domain are relatively low in comparison to other modes of transport, it is a risk that needs to be taken very seriously.

Key stakeholders such as harbourmasters, the coastguard and marina managers, together with people who live or work in, or adjacent to, the marine environment, or who spend their leisure time on or near our waters, are being encouraged to report any suspicious activity.

The aim of Project KRAKEN is to provide a hostile environment to terrorists and criminals looking to disrupt the everyday lives and safety of those who live and work in the maritime environment.  The campaign, supported by the RYA, recognises that it is the maritime community who are best placed to recognise what is out of the ordinary.

Public facing intelligence tool

Border Force and operational partners are conducting intelligence-led activity on a number of fronts to prevent migrants from entering the UK via clandestine and illegal means.  

Building an effective intelligence picture and understanding the broader maritime environment is essential to combat those opportunistic individuals and Organised Crime Groups, who would seek to circumvent UK entrance procedures and requirements.

Project KRAKEN aims to raise awareness amongst partners and maritime communities’ of the process to report suspect and suspicious behaviour within the maritime environment. It is also intended to deter those who may be tempted to assist or facilitate the illegal entry of migrants via the maritime environment.

What to report

You should report any unusual or suspicious activity near the UK coastline and in maritime environments immediately. This could include:

  • crew who show signs of nervousness or a lack of awareness of maritime protocols and customs
  • vessels showing signs of unusual modification or minor damage
  • increased activity at isolated coastal locations or at unusual times of the day
  • attempts to signal to vessels offshore or guide them into an unusual location
  • strange patterns of payment, such as large amounts of cash
  • people testing site security or an unusual interest in site structures and wharfs

How to report suspicious activity

If you see anything unusual or suspicious you can report it to your local police on 101, or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting �Kraken’.

If it is an emergency, call 999.

To anonymously report your information online, visit Crimestoppers.

This new phase of KRAKEN builds on the established brand recognition, promoting reporting via the police 101 phone number, Crimestoppers and the local constabulary number

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