
Pregnancy health

More Pregnancy health

Your physical health in pregnancy

Abdominal pain in pregnancy

Pain in lower abdomen

Bleeding gums in pregnancy

Breathlessness in pregnancy

Skin changes during pregnancy

See all in Your physical health in pregnancy

Doctor appointments

Preparing for your doctor's visit

Choosing your maternity hospital

First trimester doctor appointments

Second trimester doctor appointments

Third trimester doctor appointments

See all in Doctor appointments

Prenatal tests and care

Your antenatal appointments

Your antenatal care may be provided by a midwife, GP or obstetrician. Find out when and where you'll have your check-ups, scans and screening tests and what they involve.


Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

Glucose tolerance test (GTT) in pregnancy

Screening for Down's syndrome

See all in Prenatal tests and care

Ultrasound scans

Pregnancy ultrasound scans: an overview

My unborn baby has "golf balls" in her heart - what does this mean?

Nuchal translucency (NT) scan

Can I have a nuchal translucency scan if I'm expecting twins?

When will I have my first scan?

See all in Ultrasound scans

Natural remedies for pregnancy conditions

Herbal remedies in pregnancy

Complementary therapy organisations

Breathlessness (natural remedies)

Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy (natural remedies)

Constipation in pregnancy (natural remedies)

See all in Natural remedies for pregnancy conditions

Illnesses and infections

Thrush (yeast infection) in pregnancy


Hepatitis B

Group B Streptococcus

Can slapped cheek disease harm my baby if I catch it during pregnancy?

See all in Illnesses and infections

Pregnancy complications


Low-lying placenta (placenta praevia)

Is there anything I can do to prevent pre-eclampsia?

Gestational diabetes

I'm measuring large for my stage of pregnancy. Is something wrong?

See all in Pregnancy complications

Treatment safety

Is it safe to use an asthma inhaler during pregnancy?

Is it safe to have an X-ray during pregnancy?

Is it safe to take medicines for acne during pregnancy?

Is it safe to visit the dentist during pregnancy?

Illegal drugs in pregnancy

See all in Treatment safety

Quitting smoking during pregnancy

How does smoking during pregnancy affect me and my baby?

Can cigarette smoke harm my baby?

Parents' tips: pregnant but can't stop smoking

How to quit smoking during pregnancy

Steps to quitting smoking during pregnancy

See all in Quitting smoking during pregnancy

Overweight and pregnant

Will my extra weight make me more likely to have a miscarriage?

I'm pregnant and overweight. Will I be able to have a trouble-free birth?

Am I more likely to get pre-eclampsia if I'm overweight?

Will my labour be longer if I'm heavy for my size?

Will I develop gestational diabetes if I'm overweight?

See all in Overweight and pregnant

Having another baby

20 reasons to be glad you're having another baby

Pregnant again? What to expect

Labour and birth: what to expect this time round

Is it normal for my baby bump to be bigger this pregnancy than in my last pregnancy?

I'm nearly 40 and pregnant again. Is my age a problem?

See all in Having another baby

Mosquito borne diseases: prevention and treatment

Malaria in pregnancy

Dengue in pregnancy

Chikungunya in pregnancy

7 ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes: photos

Zika in pregnancy

See all in Mosquito borne diseases: prevention and treatment

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Trying to conceive?

Getting pregnant
Life as a parent
Photo contest fun!
Congratulations to Joeblr, the winner of 'My Godh bharai or baby shower' contest! For our next contest 'Beautiful baby bumps', you can now upload photos and vote via our heart option for your favourite. Contest closes on 28th November. Join the contest here!
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