Global Voices


GLAAD's Global Voices initiative aims to build LGBT acceptance across the globe by sharing stories of LGBT people and their families around the world and helping LGBT advocates build capacity for change in their own cities and countries.

The initiative always engages in support of strong, organized, local LGBT organizations that have identified clear objectives and believe GLAAD can be helpful in achieving those objectives. There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach, and GLAAD works in partnership with existing organizations that best understand how to affect change.

GLAAD extends its thanks to Google and The Louis L. Borick Foundation for generously underwriting the Global Voices initiative. 

How do we do it?

  1. GLAAD partners with LGBT organizations doing work on the ground outside the U.S. and offers support and expertise in media engagement for short-term campaigns. Recent work includes providing social media and influencer support for marriage equality in Ireland, as well as preparing journalists to cover Roman Catholic meetings and events related to marriage and family. Upcoming opportunities include supporting a decriminalization of LGBT people in Belize and the rest of the Caribbean, as well as marriage equality in Australia.
  2. GLAAD helps LGBT organizations outside the U.S. expand their own capacity for media advocacy. GLAAD provides training and expertise in media monitoring, pitching, correcting problematic coverage, interview techniques, and creating media that is LGBT inclusive.
  3. Using GLAAD's platform and connections with international media outlets, we shine a spotlight on both the triumphs and struggles that LGBT people face as we work to accelerate acceptance. We help the media cover the global stories that are overlooked and connect them with the people who can exemplify the continued struggle for LGBT acceptance. GLAAD also uses its own platform, web site, social media, to help generate interest in stories of LGBT people around the globe. 

Some of our highlights


GLAAD prepared a same-sex couple to appear on the reality show Happy Together, which followed Julio and Juan Pablo as they decide whether to start a family. The couple spent years working to improve the lives of LGBT people, and the show helped fellow Chileans know more about LGBT people.


GLAAD addressed the Chinese Rainbow Media Awards in Beijing, modeled off the GLAAD Media Awards. One winner told the story of seven same-sex couples who traveled from China to a destination wedding in West Hollywood. GLAAD cultivated media for the couples and the wedding.


GLAAD’s campaign around Pope Francis published a resource guide for journalists, an open letter and petition, and videos, all calling on Pope Francis to meet with LGBT families in the US during his trip to the Americas. GLAAD then provided support and best practices for the first ever Italian Diversity Media Awards, held in Milan.


GLAAD helped win marriage equality in Ireland. In May, Ireland became the first country to pass marriage equality by a nationwide referendum. GLAAD worked with the YesEquality and #VoteWithUs campaigns by providing the best practices from the marriage equality referenda in the United States, leveraging celebrity voices, and creating original web-based content that was pitched and placed in the media.NIGERIA

Following the release of poll numbers measuring Nigerian’s acceptance of LGBT people, GLAAD provided local advocates expertise and best practices in monitoring and advocating in the media for the fair and accurate representation of LGBT people.


GLAAD presented a training for advocates on how to best reach their audience with messages of acceptance and support for the LGBT community. These advocates are speaking to the media, panels, and loved ones about the issues facing the LGBT community in Ukraine.


GLAAD led a series of workshops in Manchester aimed at LGBT professionals and community leaders focused on media engagement, interviewing techniques, target audience, and framing a message to fit audience values.


During the United Nations General Assembly, GLAAD hosted a panel on Global Voices and LGBT media messages. Media figures and LGBT advocates from Kenya, Philippines, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and the United States spoke of how media advocacy furthers human rights efforts for LGBT people.

Recent stories

Queermosa Awards

PHOTOS: Queermosa just celebrated Taiwan's first-ever LGBTQ awards ceremony

The first Queermosa Awards was successfully launched to bring broad media visibility to LGBTQ voices in Taiwan.

SYSU Rainbow Group

The global purple movement continues! Asians and Asian organizations go purple for #SpiritDay

This year, GLAAD is connecting with more Asian and Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) organizations, schools, activists, and celebrities than ever before!

United Nations Free & Equal

#SpiritDay purple is spreading around the globe

Spirit Day has become a global phenomenon, with millions of people and organizations going purple worldwide. 


#FiveFilms4Freedom to bring global LGBTQ images to NYC

Join GLAAD and the British Council at a screening of Five Films for Freedom, the world's first and largest digital LGBT film festival on October 19 in New York City. 
