Evan helps trans veterans find community #transvoices

Retired after 14 years of service in the Army, Evan Young was searching for community. The Major ultimately found a home in the Transgender American Veteran’s Association and has since become its president. Watch Evan’s journey to become a leader in the trans veteran community.

Mara builds awareness of transgender issues in Washington, DC #transvoices

As the first and only trans leader of a national transgender policy organization, Mara Keisling is a pioneer. Watch Mara’s journey to pave the way for transgender acceptance and equality.

Jasmine creates an inclusive space in Philadelphia #transvoices

Jasmine is breaking new ground opening the first Philadelphia tattoo shop owned by a trans, gender non-conforming person of color. Watch Jasmine’s journey to build an inclusive community around authentic self-expression.

show your support

Paint the internet pink, blue, and white in honor of Transgender Awareness Week! Show your support by overlaying your social media profile pic with the transgender flag and tagging #transvoices in your social posts.

Transvoices webapp
  1. Only available for your mobile phone/tablet.
  2. Go to: www.transvoices-app.info
  3. Take new photo or choose an existing one.
  4. The app will overlay your picture with the transgender flag.
  5. Download the picture and update your social media profile pic.
share a photo

The pink, blue and white stripes of the Transgender Pride Flag represent the full spectrum of gender identity. Trans pioneer Monica Helms designed the flag symmetrically as a beautiful allegory for the trans experience -- no matter which way you fly it, it’s always correct.

Director – Rhys Ernst

Rhys Ernst, the Director of #transvoices, is a trailblazing transgender filmmaker. He has made it his life’s work to amplify the stories of the trans community. In addition to his work as a producer on the Golden Globe and Emmy award winning show Transparent, Rhys directed the celebrated series We’ve Been Around. Rhys’ groundbreaking work has also been recognized by Sundance, Outfest and the Chicago International Film Festival.

Consulting Producer – Zackary Drucker

Zackary Drucker is an artist who “breaks down the way we think about gender, sexuality, and seeing.” She has exhibited her work across the globe in film festivals and art galleries including MoMA PS21, Hammer Museum, and the 2014 Whitney Biennial. As a producer, Drucker is most well known for her Emmy-nominated work on the docu-series This is Me and the show Transparent.

Consulting Producer – Nick Adams

Nick Adams is the Director of GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program. He started working at GLAAD in 1998, the year after his own transition. Nick has worked with dozens of films, TV shows, and journalists to help improve the way media tells the stories of transgender people.