U.S. Election Program and Seventh Global Elections Organization (GEO-7) Conference

November 6-10, 2016

What’s Going on at IFES?

IFES Hosts Global Gathering for United States Elections Featured Image

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is hosting over 500 participants in a week-long event from November 6 to November 10 that includes IFES’ 2016 U.S. Election Program (USEP) and the Global Elections Organization Conference (GEO-7).

IFES Creates an Electoral Lexicon in Moroccan Sign Language Featured Image

In collaboration with a Moroccan Sign Language (MSL) consultant, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) as part of the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening adopted the IFES Electoral Lexicon to MSL, improving access to civic education information among the deaf community.

President of Independent High Authority for Elections of Tunisia to Receive 2016 IFES Baxter Award Featured Image

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is pleased to announce that Chafik Sarsar, president of Tunisia’s Independent High Authority for Elections, is the recipient of the 2016 Joe C. Baxter Award.


Women and Political Transition: The Risk of Replicating Inequality and the Fundamental  Need for Gender Parity in Decision-Making Featured Image

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) includes gender equality and women’s empowerment programming as a key facet of its democracy-building work in countries transitioning from violent conflict to more stable political processes. 

The Hierarchy of Laws: Understanding and Implementing the Legal Frameworks that Govern Elections Featured Image

This paper is intended as a guide for election practitioners who are interpreting, developing, and implementing legal and regulatory frameworks for elections, and who should understand the hierarchy of these laws. 

Violence Against Women in Elections: An Excerpt from IFES’ Framework Featured Image

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) recognizes that violence against women in elections is a threat to the integrity of the electoral process – it can affect women’s participation as voters, candidates, election officials, activists, and political party leaders, and it undermines the free, fair, and inclusive democratic process.

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6 Nov 2016
6 Nov 2016
6 Nov 2016
7 Nov 2016

IFES in the News

October 6, 2016
CEC Election Administration of Georgia

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