With the choice being between public graft or private thievery, it seems that voters will prefer crony capitalism over rampant capitalism. Most voters would rather adapt to an increasingly corrupt society than take a chance that a film-flam man will actually make America great again.

I am writing this letter to support the candidacy of Jennifer Baker for the Napa Valley College Board of Trustees. As a library director and incoming president of our state’s library professional organization, I have had the opportunity to get to know Jennifer in both capacities.

Well it looks like the October surprise by the Measure Z promoters has just hit the paper. Vote for Measure Z and the Parks and Open Space District will buy an old Girl Scout retreat and will continue to allow the Girl Scouts to use the property. What a great deal.

The Napa Sierra Club and the Napa Valley Vintners have come together to support Measure Z, a quarter-cent sales tax funding measure for parks and open space that’s on the ballot Nov. 8.

Mark Luce has served the city and county of Napa for many years in a caring, intelligent, and experienced manner. Beyond his skills as a supervisor, he demonstrates daily his character. Even though I have not agreed with every vote that Mark has made, I am consistently impressed with the amo…

As we head toward the November election, we have an important decision to make as to who we choose to represent us on the Board of Supervisors in District 2. In my humble opinion, experience and accomplishments counts for a lot when deciding who I want to represent me.

As a citizen who has sometimes been critical of decisions made by our city council, I would like to comment on the coming election with what amounts to a vote of confidence for two of the council members on the Nov. 8 ballot.

I have proudly represented the 3rd Senate District for the last eight years. As a legislator, I have worked hard to ensure Californians have a safe and adequate supply of clean water to meet all needs. That goal has never become more important than during this extended period of drought. Per…

The “please don’t vote for Mary Luros letter” is ridiculous. This is an ugly year, to be sure, but in Napa we are fortunate to have a diverse, functional, grown-up City Council.

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The U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 3, gives the American president the authority to convene (call to order) the Senate for as long as he thinks that important matters need to be completed.

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I would like to thank the Napa Valley Register for the article printed on Oct. 16 "Forum Focuses on Marijuana," which covered the recent local meeting on the impact of marijuana on youth. If you did not read the article, please do. The article highlights the information provided by John Redm…

I always plan my October trip to the Napa Valley to include the first Saturday for the annual “Puttin On The Glitz” sale held by the volunteers of Community Projects. This year was better than ever! Shoppers from all over the Bay Area were there to get first choice pickings.

I'm writing to publicly thank Naomi, Eric, and the entire team at Napa Bookmine for Saturday's celebration of local authors. To me, Napa Bookmine is the perfect example of a community-oriented business. Employment opportunity, economic growth, a welcome service provided with an attitude of c…

What an interesting and potentially confusing time is created with the flurry of flyers containing contradicting information about candidates and initiatives before Election Day. A recent flyer arriving at our home addressed the urgency and importance of a "yes" vote on Measure Z (to tax our…

Thoughtful. Insightful. Dignified. Rational. Honest. Respectful. These are just a few of the character traits we should expect in our elected leaders. And these are just a few of the character traits that city of Napa Vice Mayor Mary Luros possesses.

This letter is in response to the letter writer about their stolen Hillary sign. Go to youtube and type in Trump signs being stolen. To think only people from one party does this makes you look a little ignorant.

I believe that it was a decade ago when I was sequestered in a Chamber of Commerce meeting. The economy was about to crest and the problems of small business remained a daily challenge.

Recently I went to Borman Field in Yountville to watch my 11-year-old grand-nephew and his baseball team, the Napa Nationals, play the Windsor Warriors. While standing in line at the snack bar between games of a double header, I overheard two players discussing their hopes and dreams in baseball.

Have you ever applied for a new position and not researched its responsibilities, demands, history, production records, and financial standing? No matter how stellar your skills, experiences and recommendations, once you are hired, full knowledge of the desired job is essential to perform we…

I like both candidates for supervisor in District 2, however, in looking at the potential composition of the board, I have to lean toward the incumbent Mark Luce. The District 5 seat will be new, Alfredo Pedroza is relatively new and should Ryan Gregory be elected in District 2 that leaves 6…

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The Register will accept election-related letters until 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28 and will run as many submissions as space allows through Monday, Oct. 31. Election-related letters submitted after the Oct. 28 deadline will not run. Exceptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis, based on…

In a time of distrust and horror of our election process, I am writing to support the re-election of incumbent Mark Luce for District 2 Supervisor.

 I just opened my property tax bill - thank you Napa Voters for voting in yet another school bond tax. And while you are at the polls again, please vote yes on all the other measures that will increase our taxes even more - Measure Z especially.

The Kirk Cameron, film "Revive Us" that played at the theater this week was wonderful and inspiring. Honestly, I was surprised to see the theater almost three quarters full. I think a lot of people think it is a Republican event but it is just an event for all peoples and all religions to co…

The League of Women Voters of California is a nonpartisan political organization committed to encouraging informed and active participation in government and increasing understanding of major public policy issues that affect all the residents in the state. That is why we, and a broad and div…

I am pleased to write this letter in support of Mariko Yamada, who is a candidate for the state Senate in District 3. I've followed her activities in the Assembly and have been impressed by her consistent advocacy for improvement of working conditions for farm workers. Also she has demonstra…

Regarding the status of Stonebridge School: Parents have accused Don Evans and others of "scare tactics" ("Stone Bridge School not moving to Yountville," Oct. 18).

Ryan Gregory will best represent our community on the Board of Supervisors. I first got to know Ryan many years ago when I was on the Planning Commission and then became more acquainted with his problem solving approach and his commitment to our community while I served on city council.

This election year, as in many my mail-in ballot is chock full of measures and initiatives that are difficult to decipher. We don’t know whence they come, or what in actuality we are actually voting for or against.

I am writing in response to the Oct. 17 article about Jenny Sercu, "Around The World in 40 Years."

I am regularly reminded how fortunate we are to live in the Napa community by seeing how many people volunteer and donate to ensure that all our residents can have a better life. Nowhere is this more evident than in the annual Napa Valley Wine Auction and the subsequent donations to non-prof…

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Effecting change can seem impossible, especially when it means overcoming an entrenched political agenda. That's why most people don't ever run for elected office. In fact, a five-term supervisor has never lost in Napa County's history. Usually, the incumbent has a head start with endorsemen…

On Nov. 8, I will cast my vote for Mariko Yamada for the California State Senate. Of the two candidates for State Senate, Mariko is by far the most experienced.

We have a headquarters office! It is located at 1011 Coombs Street. It is adjacent to the construction area at the intersection of Coombs and First Streets at the north end of the “alleyway” between the previous Suishi Mamba restaurant and the fencing around the construction site.

I am writing in response to a letter that questioned the qualifications of Vice Mayor Mary Luros to continue serving on the city council ("Being appointed doesn't make you qualified," Oct. 20).

Regarding the front page story about the Napa County Board of Supervisors expressing a desire to have housing built at the County Health Department site on Old Sonoma Road ("Napa County begins planning housing for Old Sonoma Road site," Oct. 20): Alfredo Pedroza is quoted as saying he doesn'…

3rd District Senate candidate Mariko Yamada was principal co-author for California SB 810 (single-payer health care coverage) in 2009-2010 and author in 2011-2012. She is committed to helping Californians control health insurance costs. Voters should keep this in mind as they review the late…

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The Green Party is an non-corporate, global political party built on the four pillars of grassroots democracy, social justice, non-violence, and ecological wisdom.

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It is my honor to endorse Jennifer Baker, for the Napa Valley College Board of Trustees, because she is one of the few I will entrust with my children’s education. In fact she is the reason I am a successful librarian today.

My wife, Tiffany, and I have two daughters, 9 and 12. Time flies by and it won’t be long before they will be leaving high school. And if they choose to study here at home, I want to know that the leadership of Napa Valley College is in good hands and will provide excellent education for our …

Doris Gentry shares my values and takes action that matters. She has my vote. One of the very few I donate to.

This is a letter of gratitude and a very strong recommendation for our past county supervisor, and current state assemblymember, running for the office of state senator.

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I would like to thank the following people and groups for helping me install a kiosk and plant native plants at the new ecoCamp Berryessa for my Eagle Scout project: Central Valley Lumber for helping me get the necessary supplies with special thanks to Jim Pack and Guillermo Hernandez;  Stev…

Wow, Rosaura Segura ran against JoAnn Busenbark for college trustee four years ago and now has her support upon JoAnn’s retirement from 12 years on the NVC Board of Trustees.

My name is Melissa Johnson-Camacho I've been an oncology nurse for almost 10 years now. Thanks in part to the advocacy of Mariko Yamada candidate for District 3 Senate. I'm writing this letter to give truth to power so that the voters in my district know the clear choice for Senate in November.

On behalf of victims and as a passionate advocate for Napa – I am excited to vote for Doris Gentry, she is a solid rock in this community and an advocate for women and children.

On behalf of Friends of the Napa River board of directors, we would like to thank all of the attendees, sponsors, musicians, donors, bidders, and volunteers who made the Oct. 8 “River Concert for Friends at CIA Copia” such a great success.

As a citizen who has sometimes been critical of decisions made by our city council, I would like to comment on the coming election with what amounts to a vote of confidence for two of the council members on the Nov. 8 ballot.

The Napa County Republican Party, in conjunction with the California Republican Party, have made the following endorsements for the Nov. 8 election:

We are voting for Doris Gentry. She has already supported so much positive growth and positive direction for the community of Napa. We hope to see what she can do if/when she wins.

On the old TV show Honeymooners, husband Ralph would bellow, "I am the king, you are nothing." His wife would calmly turn to him and reply, "So, you are the king of nothing."

I am endorsing Mark Luce for Napa County Supervisor. We worked together on the Napa City Council more than 20 years ago. Mark was a fiscal conservative--this was during a recession -- but I remember him saying that he was willing to go into the red if it would help children, when we were dis…

Vote Yes on Measure Z! The Napa Park and Open Space District has been working to preserve open space and increase public access to some of the most beautiful areas of Napa County. The passage of Measure Z will allow the district to continue this work.

I am very pleased that Debbie Alter-Starr is running for Napa Valley College Trustee, Area 6 and strongly endorse her as a candidate. I have known Debbie personally and professionally for six years as a fellow Board Member for the Napa Valley Education Foundation, which raises funds for the …

It has recently come to my attention that all three candidates for Napa City Council have listed my endorsement on their campaign materials. I am writing to make it clear that I have only endorsed two candidates for City Council: Mary Luros and Scott Sedgley.

I am supporting Mariko Yamada for the State Senate in District 3, because she will represent the people of our District with the same commitment, vigor, intelligence, insight, experience, and hard work she did while serving in the State Assembly for six years and as a County Supervisors befo…

Halloween is an exciting time for many children; a time for them to fill their pumpkins and Halloween bags with loads of Trick-or-Treat goodies, all in just a couple of hours.

Years back when I called Claremont University to make arrangements for Peter Drucker to speak to my management/leadership team, no one suggested that a ghost writer or other surrogate from Claremont’s very accomplished faculty appear in his stead.

My oldest granddaughter, age 7, wanted to know why I was leaving my cozy Napa Valley home — during the heart of the grape harvest — to spend four weeks in North Carolina. She didn’t want me to be away for so long, and was worried that her “Grampy,” was heading right into a dangerous rainstor…

I was interested to see, in a recent paper, the letter from Rob and Sue Kitchen Willson about the Hillary Clinton sign taken from their yard.

I’ve known Scott Sedgley now for at least five years. He is an amazing individual, a family man, caring father and husband. His roots in the Napa Valley run deep, and his loyalty to our community is as strong as a native oak tree.

I urge eligible voters in Napa Valley College Trustee Area 1 to vote for Jennifer Baker. My support for Jennifer is based on many things, but today, I am thinking primarily about how divided we are as a nation, and, to a lesser extent, as a community.

These are heady and exciting times in our city (and county) … so much positive change and development. And all this positive change comes with collateral consequences that include pressure on our housing, affordability and availability, pressure on traffic and roads and pressure on our RUL (…

As a current trustee who is intimately familiar with the workings of the board, I feel compelled to give my personal opinion regarding the two seats on the Napa Valley College Board that are up for election.

Progressive Women of Napa Valley endorses the following candidates, who share our vision of a robust economy, social equity, and a healthy environment in Napa County. We believe these candidates have the proven skills to build partnerships to enact policies that will achieve these goals.

This is a note of thanks and congrats to Meng, Barbara and their family (owners and managers of the Fosters Freeze on Imola Drive) for all the work they have done on the Fosters Freeze property in the last few years.

I do not think I can be any more disgusted after my first contact with two stars on the PGA, Mickelson and Kuchar.

Are we shocked? Sure we’re shocked. Most of us by now have seen the 2005 videotape, heard the banter between Donald Trump and Billy Bush, then host of NBC’s Access Hollywood. But, obscene as it is, does it matter?

Shirley Knight’s letter to the editor exposes many of the problems with the Napa Valley College trustees. By the very nature of public institutions where the officials are elected, those officials should be judged by their actions in office at re-election time. This is especially important a…

I am supporting Mariko Yamada for the 3rd District seat in the state Senate. I have been a supporter of Mariko since she ran for and won the Assembly seat for District 4. As a life-long Democrat, Mariko has remained steadfast in support of issues that are important to me.

Editor's note: It is normally the policy of the Register not to allow candidates to write on their own behalf, but we do allow responses to specific letters on a case-by-case basis. The author's opponent was  recently permitted such a response to a previous series of letters.

Night after night on CNN and MSNBC, one sees gloating over the outrageous behavior of Donald Trump. He has few to speak in his behalf. No major newspaper is supporting him. Repeatedly we are told, “Trump has neither the psychological temperament nor character to occupy the White House, the h…

On Oct. 10 in the Napa Valley Register, Gordon Huether was quoted in a telephone interview as he was traveling in the Hudson Valley of New York, "The people that complain about Napa's progress might want to visit downtown Vallejo or Poughkeepsie" as if they were the only choices ("Downtown m…

I support the idea that disabled people should have reasonable accommodation to their business needs. What is happening in Napa is an abomination of the intent of Americans with Disabilities Act ("Napa businesses hit with handicapped access lawsuits," Oct. 9).

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As someone who has chaired more than half a dozen WASC (Western Association of Schools & Colleges) accreditation teams over the years, I was distressed to read in the Register that Jennifer Baker, a candidate for trustee at Napa Valley College, incorrectly stated that the college wasn’t …

Napa Valley College’s accreditation in February came with a caveat and warning. The accreditors identified deficiencies in the college’s financial plans that need correcting; they said these deficiencies make it “uncertain if the college will continue to have sufficient resources in the futu…

The current National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) process for making car manufacturers correct defects in existing vehicles is inadequate as the manufacturers are able to defer fixing things for many months, sometimes years.

You may not like Hillary Clinton. Indeed, you may dislike both her and her husband. But can any moral, decent person stand by Donald Trump?

This morning, I noticed that the parking area curbside in front of the Napa Planned Parenthood clinic has been marked a loading zone only with 3 minute parking.

It is nice to welcome the PGA Tour to Napa. However, visitors to the Safeway Open may not know that among locals, Safeway has a black eye.

There is the saying “Actions speak louder than words.” Meaning, we should always be looking at the actions that preclude and follow someone’s “word” to judge their character.

During election season, local voters read and hear all kinds of opinions about Napa Valley College. Some of the opinions are based on fact, the way movies are often “based on a true story”, or based on a book.

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This letter is in response to the thief who crept up on our front porch and stole our 'Hillary for President' sign. Even though you came on our property and took our sign, you cannot take away our vote.

Thank you so much for featuring the article on Moving Forward Towards Independence Pumpkin Patch Sale ("New Napa pumpkin patch helps disabled adults visit Disneyland," Sept. 28).

Editor's note: It is the policy of the Register not to allow candidates to write letters on their own behalf, but we will occasionally permit candidates to do so in response to specific attacks. Since DiGardi has been named personally in a number of recent critical letters, the Register soli…

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Napa Valley Unified School District, I would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Napa Valley Vintners for their generous $500,000 donation to NapaLearns, a nonprofit that helps our students succeed.

 It’s often hard to find things in today’s world that we can just be 100 percent grateful for. When we do find something that fills our heart with joy, eases the stress and worry from our mind, and soothes the aches and pains our body might have, it is imperative we share it with others.

As a former part-time instructor at Napa Valley College, I support Jennifer Baker for Napa Valley College Trustee for Area One. I believe that we need a change in college leadership, and change begins with the board.

Every morning I take my dog out for a walk ( leashed) between Vintage farm and Vintage High School.

I was delighted to read about the recent election of Register Executive Sports Editor Marty James to the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Hall of Fame.

I am pleased to write this letter in support of Mariko Yamada, who is a candidate for the State Senate in District 3. I've followed her activities in the Assembly and have been impressed by her consistent advocacy for improvement of working conditions for farm workers. Also she has demonstra…

We at the Rutherford Dust Society feel compelled to address the misstatements that Chris Malan made about the award-winning Napa River Restoration Project through Rutherford, Oakville and Yountville in her letter to the editor dated Sept. 28, 2016 ("Program is covering up for deforestation").

Reader Ken Davison‘s letter of Sept. 2 ("Disheartened, baffled and concerned by support for Clinton") ends with the statement that he will vote for Trump, “reluctantly, while holding my nose.” He might do better to open his ears instead.

Hurricane Matthew -- the Category 3 storm that roared toward the U.S. coast after ravaging Haiti -- underlines the urgent need for emergency preparedness, which includes precautionary measures to keep your beloved pets safe when disasters strike.

I want to thank Jim Asbury for his letter of Oct. 1, pointing out that Progressive Women of Napa Valley support Ryan Gregory for County Supervisor, District 2. ("Luce comes closer to my values").

This is in response to Mike Wallace's letter on Trump ("My take on Trump -- child-like behavior," Oct 5). I understand your opinion on Trump as a president, but casting your vote for Clinton to make her the first woman president is just wrong.

Opening my Register recently, I was happy to see the letter from John Johnson whose opinion regarding the necessity of building a new city hall, as opposed to fixing our terrible streets and sidewalks, I completely support ("Forget the new city hall," Oct. 2). Until we have acceptable roads,…

Regarding St. Helena's City Council elections: I would urge voters to look beyond the rhetoric and catch phrases, beyond those who "want to make a difference" and look to those who can and have made a difference.

 In a recent Register, there was an update to the China Point park project. I read about the post office possibly having a new buyer. It was mentioned that the city parking lot across the street (next to Billco’s) could be used for parking.

In her recent letter to the editor ("Digardi for NVC trustee," Sept. 27), I read with interest as Ms. Salmon described how admirably Mr. Digardi has carried out his duties as a trustee on the Napa Valley College board. She extolled his many virtues as a board member, stating that she has obs…

The Napa Valley Register withheld an endorsement for Doris Gentry for the City Council because she is so involved in so many worthy programs in the Napa Valley. Huh? I thought that she was the kind of person we wanted on council -- a person who really cares about the quality of life for thos…

Here are just three obvious serious problems with driverless cars which have no remedy proposed or provided to date by proponents, auto manufactures, or insurance companies. And there are many yet undefined questions to be answered.

Thank you, Howard Haupt, whoever you are. I knew there was something annoying about the patronizing Register editorial recommendations for City Council ("Our View: The Choices for City Council," Sept. 24).

 My husband and I walk the Estuary almost daily. One recent evening we watched a large swan family fly from one pond to another. We have been watching them since they were young cygnets. So seeing them fly was wonderful. One of the cygnets flew into a power line, and was instantly electrocut…

On Nov. 8, I will cast my vote for Mariko Yamada for the state Senate. Of the two candidates for state Senate, Mariko is by far the most experienced.

This is a poem I wrote inspired by the song The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (1971). I felt it was was fitting considering current societal ailments. Some things don’t change, apparently. (Dedicated to everyone who has devoted their life trying to change it.)

From my standpoint, Napa Valley College is the greatest institution in the Napa Valley. It is an equalizer, which provides thousands of local students with courses and programs to achieve their academic and professional goals. In terms of its student population, NVC is one of the most dynami…

Editor’s note: The Register asked Napa Valley College to respond to several recent letters are articles regarding the accreditation status of the institution. This is the college’s response.

Two disturbing articles have appeared recently in the Napa Valley Register that should have stirred some response, but perhaps no one other than the Register is paying much attention.

For the past 45 years, I have taught elementary and junior high school children, and I can't help but point out some unmistakable similarities between the behavior of pre-adolescent children and Donald Trump. The behavioral characteristics that I have listed don't necessarily apply to all ch…

I was happily kept waiting about 10 minutes on my way home recently by the Vintage High School Homecoming parade. I felt nostalgia for my own children's high school years and the pure Americana of homecoming parades.

I am writing with respect to the Walt Ranch Project that has been a source of controversy in the area. I am in favor of the proposal for the following reasons:

Vote for Mary Luros and Scott Sedgley. We have a lot at stake in this coming election. I look for candidates that understand that they serve the people that live here and are environmentally and socially responsible. Mary and Scott are open to the public and will consider varying views befor…

It’s always interesting to see who the Register’s Editorial Board suggests we common folk should vote for during each election, and this year was no surprise. (Our View, Sept. 25)

Perhaps no time in the history of Napa County have we had such an abundance of highly qualified candidates seeking elected office, candidates who I believe can help us continue to build upon our legacy of effective leadership for Napa County. We have candidates that not only know how to get …

On the one hand, Napa Valley wineries clamor for more visitors, events, tasting rooms, etc. because “so much of their income now depends on direct sales.”

A recent article in the Napa Valley Register discusses the city proposal to build a new city hall. If we look at many communities on the West Coast who have built new city halls, we will find that most now have financial problems. They just spent too much.

It is my pleasure to write this letter supporting the candidacy of Jennifer Baker for the Napa Valley College Board of Trustees. As a recently-retired director of an award-winning public library and past president of the state's largest professional library association, I am more than famili…

 In response to "Count the votes more quickly," (Sept. 30): When you receive your ballot take care of and turn it in right away. If you drop off mail ballots on the day of the election, it will take time and they are not counted that night.

As a business owner and an involved community member, I enthusiastically support Debbie Alter-Starr far Napa Valley College Trustee, Area 6. Her extensive background in public education and local community-building efforts, combined with her outstanding personal integrity and track record of…

I'm sorry if the following is insulting to some of my friends (I hope I don't lose them). Having seen the first presidential debate, which I hear was listened to by 80 million people, my previous thoughts about The Donald are now stronger than ever. Trump, in my opinion, should never have be…

The wine country economy is based on viticulture and the hospitality sector. Many vineyards have taken up the challenge of reducing environmental impacts, which will be the standard into the future. The hospitality sector necessarily involves travel.

Mary Luros has been an active member of our community since she moved here in 2008, and has been an advocate for businesses, nonprofits and families on key issues including traffic, affordable housing and economic development since being appointed to the Napa City Council last year.

I recently had the good fortune to attend a small gathering of residents, elected officials and nonprofit professionals brought together to learn about the many things Mentis Napa is doing in the Upper Valley to address the mental health needs of our residents.
