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Real Estate News

For the record, this column has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming presidential election. I wanted to make that clear before you read any further.


As we move closer to the presidential election of 2016 we’ll be treated to several highly watched and entertaining debates along the way.


If you are currently in a VA loan, then you should absolutely be reaching out to your local lender to discuss your eligibility for the VA Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (VA IRRRL).

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“Loan Ranger” by Chris Salese will return next Thursday


In case you weren’t aware, almost 60 days ago, the people of the United Kingdom voted to exit from the European Union.


Whether it’s a Jamba Juice, a car wash or a new home — it doesn’t matter what you buy these days, you will inevitably receive some sort of request to complete a survey after your purchase is complete.

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