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Center Point

Rating: 4.97 stars   38 reviews 1,160

Nonprofit Issues:

Mental Health, Health, Human Services


135 Paul Dr San Rafael CA 94903 USA


Our mission is to provide comprehensive social, educational, vocational, medical, psychological, housing, and rehabilitation services to combat social problems such as substance abuse, poverty, unemployment, and homelessness. Center Point offers rehabilitation and treatment services that interrupt the abusive cycles of psychological, social, and economic dislocation by providing critical training and support so that individuals and families can claim self-worth and dignity.

Target demographics:

Services are provided in San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas

Geographic areas served:

California, Oklahoma, Lousiana and Texas


Rehabilitative Programs and Services Residential Treatment Services: Residential treatment services for pregnant and post-partum women and their children, residential programs for male and female adults, and for adolescents, and residential community corrections services for female offenders and their children. Non-Residential Services Non-Residential Services: Non-residential services including outpatient treatment, and continuing care and aftercare Housing Services: Under a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Center Point has recently implemented the comprehensive METT project to assist TANF (i.e., Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) eligible and other hard-to-place clients transition successfully from Welfare-to-Work. While vocational services have always been an integral part of Center Point's treatment continuum, and the cornerstone of re-entry services, this new program expands our vocational services from a component of treatment into a major program in its own right. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate innovative ways in which difficult-to-employ individuals can be transitioned from welfare dependence to employment. Specialized Services: Specialized services including primary health care and mental health services; vocational rehabilitation services (both to support treatment and "dependency to sufficiency" Welfare-to-Work employment programs); housing services (both temporary emergency shelters and transitional housing programs, i.e., acute respite and long-term affordable); and education, training and consulting services for the general public, private companies, and public agencies. In-Custody Therapeutic Community Programs: In-custody Therapeutic Community programs with linked aftercare for inmates in four California State Prisons.

2013 Top-Rated Nonprofit
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Reviews for Center Point

Rating: 5 stars   Featured Review

3 people found this review helpful

I found myself a client of Center Point after many years of drug abuse and following the birth of my daughter. I never thought I would end up in treatment, but I am grateful that I ended up at Center Point. The concepts and lessons I learned in group, as well as the friends I made and counselors I loved, are still with me to this day. After completing the six month treatment program in March 2007, I left Center Point a productive member of society and a better mother. Center Point saved my life and got me back on track with my family, work, and school. I have remained drug free, and I will be getting my Bachelor degree from UNLV in December 2013 and attending law school starting in the Fall of 2014.

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

Get more programs using the Center Point concepts out there and available to the public.

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Role: Professional with expertise in this field
Rating: 5 stars  

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I believe in what we do. Both my wife & I have a great passion for Center Point Inc. and the work being done... “Changing Lives…Connecting Communities” ...... Giving children their Mommy & Daddys back

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

Award more State & Federal funding

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Very Well

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Rating: 5 stars  

I arrived to center point 5 mo ago and didn't know the things that I know now, I was stubborn and thought that I knew a lot I am so very happy god put me in this program. I have learned a lot about myself and as well as my children centerpoint have so much to offer and I turned willing to recive every thing I have learned I I am now looking for work I have so much support every thing fell into place for me, my daughter is very healthy going to school everyday counseling and childcare Iam ready to see the world in a different way know

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

I wouldn't change a thing about Center Point.

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How do you feel you were treated by this organization?

Very Well

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Rating: 5 stars  

I arrived to center point 5 mo ago and didn't know the things that I know now, I was stubborn and thought that I knew a lot I am so very happy god put me in this program. I have learned a lot about myself and as well as my children centerpoint have so much to offer and I turned willing to recive every thing I have learned I I am now looking for work I have so much support every thing fell into place for me, my daughter is very healthy going to school everyday counseling and childcare Iam ready to see the world in a different way know

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

This organization is running smooth and wouldn't make any changes

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How do you feel you were treated by this organization?

Very Well

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Rating: 4 stars  

I came into Center Point on my own accord 4 and 1/2 months ago. At that time I had no idea what an impact this program would have on my life, as well as my son's. I have made many mistakes in my past and I reached a point where I had lost any hope for my future. I came into Center Point completely defeated and surrendered myself to this program. As difficult as this program is for myself and my son, I find that the major challenge lies within myself and my ability to take the initiative to make a positive change and allow growth within my mind, body, and soul. Center Point has given me this opportunity. I am extremely grateful for all the doors that are opening for me. As long as I get up every morning and I am willing to do the work that is expected of me, good things will continue to happen. I feel like a major transformation has occurred within me and I look forward to use the skills that I have learned while I have been at Center Point.

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

more intensive groups during the first 3 months. healthier, more nutritious food. the ability to keep food in the units, specifically for the children. greater structure for the children in the child care ie. more educational groups for them.

How would you describe the help you got from this organization?

A lot

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How do you feel you were treated by this organization?

Quite well

When was your last experience with this nonprofit?


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Role: Professional with expertise in this field
Rating: 5 stars  

1 person found this review helpful

I have worked for Center Point for over seven years and have seen first-hand how this organization has helped improve the lives of many people. Operating as a nonprofit, there is always uncertainty that funding may not be secure for the long haul. Center Point has made strides in securing their future with smart business decisions; building connections and relationships in the community, as well as, within the field of recovery and; through faithful planning. They recognize that their existence as a human services organization is important to the community and the clients they serve, as such; they work hard to achieve success in everything they do.

On a personal note, I have not only been an employee of Center Point but have also been a recipient of their services. By believing in me and teaching me that I had something more to offer the world, they helped me believe in myself. This was integral to me changing the direction of my life. It has been said that to be good is honorable, but to show others how to be good is the highest honor and Center Point does embody this belief. I was able to completely transform my life and I know in my heart that the catalyst was Center Point. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to receive services from Center Point and the friends I found while there. For all these reasons, it is important to me that Center Point will always be available to others in need.

“The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself.” - George Bernard Shaw

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

promote the good work that clients achieve after treatment through scholarships, clear career paths, etc. This would raise the visibility of the good work this organization does, while encouraging clients to keep achieving. Former Center Point clients make for the best friends, role models, and professionals if given the right grooming and opportunities. What better way could a client give back than for working for the betterment of others that are in the same situation they have been?

How does this organization compare with others in the same sector?

Very Well

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Rating: 5 stars  

My Nickolas Sarrigeorgiou I had to go to volunteer for a day,in San Rafael .
It was a great experience and a awakening how centers like that can change people's life's .
I will highly recommend for people to volunteer and save our community.
Center Point thank u . Keep doing great job!!!!!

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

Nothing at all

Would you volunteer for this group again?


For the time you spent, how much of an impact did you feel your work or activity had?


Did the organization use your time wisely?

Very Well

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Rating: 5 stars  

1 person found this review helpful

My name is Katerina Daraki after a personal set back in my life I ask to volunteer in the center at
Lincoln ave. in San Rafael . It was a warm hearted experience .I never thought they are people in my lifetime so dedicated to improve others peoples life's .An amazing stuff all hard and soul
24/7 unconditional support and knowledge try to solve clients problems , and believe me they were a
Lots of that. I never before in my life I had to be and see how determine everybody in the center they are to have drug free and healthy mine environment and HELP clients to teach them how they can start leaving healthy LiFES. I always be grateful for the opportunity I had to be hands on for the center.
I will highly recommend for people to donate time or money it is all to an a amazing organization .
Katerina Daraki.

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...

I wound make any changes however I would like to see more engagement and support for the community.

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Did the organization use your time wisely?

Very Well

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Rating: 5 stars  

1 person found this review helpful

I was a client of Center Points after giving birth to my daughter, tox-positive, and having her taken away from me by CPS due to my drug and alcohol abuse. Without Center Point I would never have been able to really change my life to become the person I am today. I learned that I really wanted to be a parent, not the selfish, awful human being I had become. Center Point really stuck with me and helped me learn what I needed to learn about myself. I am 18 years clean and sober. My daughter was returned to me after I graduated Center Point and my son was able to come live with me full time a short while later. I am forever grateful to Center Point for giving me the ability to live the life I had wanted to live with my kids and others. Volunteering has become a big part of my life. Their After Care Program was and is just as important to me. I know that if I needed to go back today to discuss and work on something Center Point would be right there trying to help me figure it out. I often look up to the sky and thank Center Point for saving my family.

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How do you feel you were treated by this organization?

Very Well

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Role: Professional with expertise in this field
Rating: 5 stars  

1 person found this review helpful

I am a certified substance abuse counselor, with over seven years experience working in the field of substance abuse treatment. My experience in working with Center Point has always been a positive one. From the professional demeanor of its employees, to the exemplary leadership role modeled by its executive staff, Center Point is a model for what an integrated substance abuse/mental health human services agency should look like.

If I had to make changes to this organization, I would...


How does this organization compare with others in the same sector?

Very Well

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