Posted by on Sep 5, 2012 Views: 42932

Top 10 Volunteer Opportunities in Atlanta

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Want to volunteer or intern at a great Atlanta non-profit? Whether you’re new to Atlanta and want to learn about the city’s charities, trying to change up your routine with some local charity work, or just want to volunteer or intern at a neighborhood non-profit, everyone knows that the best way to find the right place for you is from the people who’ve been there!

Here’s a list of volunteers’ and interns’ favorite Atlanta charities. Every non-profit on this list earned has an overall score of 4 or greater out of 5 on, and must have been reviewed by at least 10 volunteers. If your favorite Atlanta non-profit or volunteer gig is missing, find it on, write a positive review, and show your co-volunteers how to start adding reviews and get it on the list!

Next Generation Focus
“I have been a tutor with NGF for the past 2 years and it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. Watching these kids come back every week and seeing how they’ve improved has been just incredible. This group of volunteers is one of the best group of people I have ever had the opportunity to work with and I feel so fortunate to have been able to work with them. NGF is making a huge difference in the lives of not only the students, but also in the lives of everyone who has helped out in any way.” –obenson

Friends of Refugees
“I have worked at The Summer spectacular for July camp in the year 2010 and 2011. Friends of Refugees does a great job getting involved in the comminity and does lots of things to help everyone. I was able to work with kids over the summer that attend Summer spectacular. It was great just to learn about all the different cultures and see just how different God made us. The experience was very humbling and taught me a lot about serving others. Friends of Refugees always goes the extra mile to bless everyone around them.” –superchic247

Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children
“It has been a blessing to me to volunteer with the youngest children receiving services at the Atlanta Day Shelter. I have brought a music program for toddlers and preschools weekly for the past 2 months and the children are such a joy! What impressed me the most about the shelter is their sincere care for the women and children who come to them for assistance. It is a well run, organized, caring environment that truly seeks to empower women and help them better their lives and the lives of their children through education and support.” –lmccook

Pebble Tossers
“I love the volunteer opportunities provided by Pebble Tossers – my 12 year old son has really enjoyed the times he’s volunteered – Pebble Tossers just makes it enjoyable! The number of charities that are served by Pebble Tossers volunteers is simply amazing – they have really made a huge impact in so many lives – both for the receipients and the volunteers.” –kKukler

Children Without a Voice USA
“I am proud to volunteer my time with an organization that is truly making a difference. I have focused my time on helping spread awareness via social media. Founder Lin Seahorn and the rest of the team are one big family and are truly one of a kind. The future is bright for our children with people like this fighting for those precious little ones. We must all stand up and help educate to save the children of our future. Thank you to all of CWAV for all that you are doing and I’m very proud to be a part of this.” –Felicia4

Children’s Peace Center
“I have volunteered to assist on several occasions when the Children’s Peace Center was available to the community and I am always amazed at how the activities provided help children in so many ways. It helps with their self-esteem, with knowledge about our environment and how to take care of it, conflict resolution and becoming a peacemaker in their families and communities. It is a wonderful organization and should be duplicated all over the world!” –Cindy31

Sedreck Fields Foundation
“I loved working at sedreck fields foundation as a volunteer. It was so much fun helping other people in need. One time the owner Dionne Fields gave us a huge party for all th e volunteers. To say thank you for your hard work.” –sarah-jacobs

“I was looking for a non profit to help where I could do the most good. Hero Box caught my attention, especially since I have family in the military that was serving overseas at the time. They paired me with a very nice soldier and some of my co-workers and I got together and filled the boxes for him. He did email me and expressed his appreciation for what he received. I was happy that we could send him a little bit of home. This is a great cause!!!” –vanderson83

American Cancer Society Foundation
“I am a registered nurse. I have been involved with Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society for several years. Every year, ACS helps my patients with their cancer care. They give my patients and their families help and hope. I am a team captain for the Rleay for Life. Murray, Ky. has the most amazing crew of people involved with this. You truly feel the love and concern for all patients and families with cancer. My father died of lung cancer and I know how important the ACS is to patients and families. I couldn’t be more proud of being a part of the American Cancer Society.” –andreab12

Metro Atlanta Recovery Residences
“When I had to retire on a disability in 1993 I found I had time on my hands. Someone suggested I volunteer at MARR. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. As an alcoholic with 20 years of sobriety my volunteering experience constantly reminded me just how devastating it is. The magic of MARR is that as a volunteer you watch people get better. MARR’s strength rests on the staff. Their skill, knowledge, compassion and maintaining discipline. These are all incredible people. Unlike many other treatment centers MARR is not a “Country Club”. It’s sole mission is to let people free themselves from addictions. Without a compassionate discipline an addict can’t get better. MARR maintains that discipline. This is a terrific place to get better. I have seen the results first hand.” –dawson39

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