Product Engineering services by StrategyBeach

StrategyBeach, as a leader in software product engineering enables you to create a new wave of experience through scalable products, intelligent connected solutions and cloud implementations which are designed from the ground up by our experienced Software Architects and Implementation Managers to be a world class product.

Application Security

We know the importance of security and integrity for our clients. And we take the most drastic measures to ensure that all loopholes are closed in the final product before launch.

Be it a website or a desktop application, we follow strict guidelines and procedures, including timely quality checks, that ensure that the application is secure and that our clients are satisfied with it. Third Party security checks validate our rigid process of screening.

StrategyBeach provides a set of services to improve software security and resolve quality issues early in the development process to minimize these risks.

  • Source Code Security Audit

  • Software Penetration Testing

  • Software Security Training

  • Software Development Life-cycle Planning


StrategyBeach offers expertise in technology security across a pivotal set of domains that include:

  • Operational Security: Internal processes, policies and regulations.

  • Application Security: Security Development Life-cycle (SDL) process framework.

  • Infrastructure Security: Physical, Network and Operating System levels.

Why choose StrategyBeach

Application security can be a crucial deciding factor for the success of a large enterprise project. Inadequate security measure leave your organizations entire network vulnerable.

Being one of the foremost companies within Los Angeles to spend considerable R&D efforts in security enhancement technologies, we are among the most sought after for fixing vulnerable computer code. Our experts give you a quick report as to how your application or system is vulnerable and how we can help fix it.

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