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Logo for State Committee on Archives of Ukraine Association of Ukrainian Archivists

The Head of the Board - Olha Hinzburh

Members of the Association of Ukrainian Archivists

  • Hinzburh Olha
  • Berkovskyy Vladyslav
  • Bilous Ganna
  • Vorobey Rayisa
  • Gyka Volodymyr
  • Grygoruk Mykola
  • Gurbova Lyudmyla
  • Delegan Mykhailo
  • Klymenko Tetyana
  • Kupchenko Vira
  • Levchenko Larysa
  • Makovska Nataliya
  • Matiash Iryna
  • Mytsan Kateryna
  • Obzhelyan Alla
  • Pelts Diana
  • Pyrig Ruslan
  • Prys Tetyana
  • Rafal`skyy Igor
  • Rudenko Sergiy
  • Slobodianyuk Petro

Members of the Audit Commission

  • Volkotrub Ganna
  • Kameneva Sofiya
  • Skrypka Leonid


Association of Ukrainian Archivists (AUA) is a voluntary independent Ukrainian public creative organization of archivists, historians, documents researchers and other citizens on the basis of common interests in order to meet the statutory objectives.

The main aim of the Association is to promote the development of archives in Ukraine, to meet and protect social, scientific, artistic, national, cultural and other interests of its members.

Among the tasks of AUA is participation in scientific research in archives, studying various aspects of professional archivists, improving vocational education, upgrading the skills of archives, distribution of knowledge about the role and importance of archives.

AUA was established in 1991. The governing bodies are the Board of the Association, the Council Board, the Audit Commission.

State regions archives has the local cells of AUA.

At the founding congress (March 5, 1991, Kyiv, Ukraine) Professor S. Kulchytskiy was elected a chairman of the Board of the Association.

The Association have close creative contacts with associations of archivists, historians of Russia, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Canada, seeking a mutually beneficial cooperation, participation in the development of joint projects.

Congress of AUA takes part every four years. It held in 1991, 1995, 1999.

B. Ivanenko (honoured worker of culture of Ukraine) was the head of the Association from 1999 till 2001.

The newsletter "Bulletin of the AUA” began publishing in October 1991 , which turned into a popular science magazine "Archivists: Bulletin of the AUA” (Editor - Doctor of Science, prof. I. Matiash ) in 1999.

Association has established a professional club creative meetings “Arhivna svitlycia”.

The collection of AUA funds was started forming in the research reference library of the central state archives.

An extraordinary congress IV of the Association archivists in Ukraine held February 6, 2001.

Congress considered the question of the AUA Board of Directors in 1999-2000, approved the change in the Board, has identified prospects and main activities of the AUA.

With reporting presentation speak Chairman AUA B. Ivanenko, Chairman of the Audit Commission N. Pavlovska.

Participants in discussion were the next members of the Board I. Matiash, N. Chrystova (Kyiv), M.Delegan (Uzhgorod), M. Isaeva (Simferopol), Directors of State Archives: K. Mytsan (Ivano -Frankivsk), D. Pelts (Lviv) and others.

Director of the Central Archive of Public Associations of Ukraine, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor V. Lozitskayy, director of the Central State Archive of Literature and Arts of Ukraine Y. Kulinich, director of the State Archives in Kiev region V. Danylenko were unanimously elected to the Board of AUA.

B. Ivanenko moved to another job and was dismissed from his post as Chairman, he received thanks from the congress participants.

V. Lozitskyy was elected the Chairman of AUA Board at the meeting of Board after the congress held. The second issue of AUA newsletter "Archivists” was published on the eve of the congress.

The information about activities of the Board of AUA and its local divisions, information about the VII meeting of the European Bureau of Archives, XIV International Congress of Archives, the activities of Friends-archives of France, the Association of Library of Ukraine, International Institute of Archives presented in sections edition of "History of AUA”, “AUA: News “ , “Civic associations of archivists abroad: history and nowdays”, “The Association colleagues: the scientific crossroads", “News from the Internet”, “Figures”, "Reviews”, “Documents” and also reviews presented at the almanac "Constanty", magazine “TASYLAR AVAZY" , "History archives of Belarus" and presented "Regulation on the award of Basil Veretennikov and biographical sketch of the scientist” at the Charter Eurasian regional office.

A plenary session of the Association of archivists in Ukraine held in the hall of building of the central state archives of Ukraine in March 17, 2004.

The agenda addressed the following issues:

1. Reelection of chairman of AUA.

2. The strategy of the AUA for 2004

Yuri Yakovlevich Kulinich director of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art was unanimously elected as Chairman of Association of archivists of Ukraine.

Regional Offices

Association of Ukrainian Archivists of Kirovograd region was created in July 2009 and carried out work on the coverage of archival institutions, promotion of archival documents, attracting new members to the Association.

Members of the local branch of the Association participated in the preparation:

  • 5 radio-programs on topics: to the Independence Day of Ukraine, to 255 anniversary of Elizavetgrad, to the day of victims of famine, the the day of Unification of Ukraine and others;
  • 9 exhibitions of archival documents: “The formation of a sovereign state”, “Elizavet: the past and present”, to the 20 anniversary of the People's Movement of Ukraine "Renovation of Ukraine, its grandeur and glory”, “Chronicle of partisans of Ukraine”, to the 360 anniversary of Khmelnitskyi victory in battle in Zboriv, to the 65 anniversary of liberation of Ukraine, to the 65 anniversary of creation the Ukrainian Liberation Council, “Famine of 1932-1933 in Kirovograd”, “Memory of the heroes of Krut”;
  • 5 articles in local press “Princess Urusova and her surrounding”, “Several pages from the city history”, “Childhood killed by hunger”, “Elizavetgrad 100 years ago”, “Development of infrastructure of Elizavetgrad in the beginning of ХХ century”.

Members of Association took part in preparation of headings "Pages of history" in a weekly television program "Memory" on Kirovograd regional state TV, archival guide "The State Archives of Kirovograd region. Annotated register of descriptions. Volume II. Funds in period after 1917”, catalog of metric books and collection of documents devoted to the 65 anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War.

Association of Ukrainian Archivists of Kirovograd region attracted new members of association and the quantity of members is 45 members.

The State Archives in Autonomous Republic of Crimea informed that general meeting of local branch of the Association of Ukrainian Archivists was held on 9 July 2009.

On the meeting were discussed next questions: the establishment of local branch of the Association in Autonomous Republic of Crimea; review and approval of the local branch of the Association in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; election of Director of the local branch of the Association, election of Deputy director. At the general meeting were present 26 members of the local branch of the Association of Ukrainian Archivists.

Approved to take a decision: the establishment of local branch of the Association in Autonomous Republic of Crimea; approval of the local branch of the Association in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. On the meeting were elected Director and Deputy director of the local branch of the Association in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

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