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RYA Safety Objectives 

The RYA Strategic Plan requires the RYA to implement and maintain a proactive approach to safety within its structure. The RYA will do this through its Safety Management System in order to examine its operations continuously and to identify hazards in order to eliminate or reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable such that it is acceptable to the Association.

The RYA Safety Management System focuses on the safety aspects of the Association; it is an essential management tool which compliments corporate governance in the proactive evaluation of safety risks and the attainment of its objectives. In particular, the Safety Management System will enable the RYA to:

  • Affirm its ownership of safety and provide clear guidance and oversight of safety issues covering all levels of the RYA.
  • Ensure that its subordinate committees/structures are provided with clearly defined responsibilities, authority and accountability in respect to safety issues.
  • Actively promote and develop the culture of continuous safety awareness within its sports.
  • Enhance its systems and procedures for auditing and monitoring safety within the RYA.
  • Develop a culture of instinctively reporting and following up accidents and incidents at the appropriate level so that lessons may be learned.