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Introduction by the National Archivist / CEO

In today’s information society the internet plays a vital communications role. The National Archives is a crucial player in this rapidly-changing information society. We have a very important mission to fulfill. The National Archives Act (V-2005) challenges us with the responsibility to ‘preserve the collective memory of the Maltese nation…’ This is not a easy task to fulfill.  
During the last eighteen years the National Archives did an excellent job. We managed to equip three reading rooms and provide research services to a very diverse audience. We are now at the cross-roads of a very exciting challenge. We have to instill in the Public Service the vision of nation-wide effective records management. We cannot preserve the collective memory of the nation if our records remain rotting away in hidden basements.  
The second challenge is electronic records. We are here to preserve all public records whether they are e-mails, films, audio-tapes or other media that will be created in future. In so doing there is a learning curve we have to go through.  
This challenging vision can only be fulfilled if we work in close collaboration with all stakeholders. The step we are now taking with the setting of the web-site aims to inform but also build bridges with our audience. I invite you to make best use of this site through interactive communication. Its success will depend on your feedback, and our timely reaction to your views. Let us take this challenge and use information technology to make our lives better. 
Charles J Farrugia 

Archives Awareness week

The Archives Awareness week shall be between the 5th and 12th October 2016 and the main theme shall be Advancing the Records Lifecycle. 
The programme for the week's activities can be accessed and downloaded from here

National Forum on Archives 2016

The National Archives Council would like to invite Departments and Government entities, Mayors, owners of private archives and their archivists, NGOs, academics, researchers, members of the commercial sector, and all interested persons to the National Forum on Archives. This national forum is convened biannually to discuss the state of archives in Malta. The next forum will be held on Wednesday 5 October 2016 between 8.30am and 12.30pm at Fort St Angelo. 
The programme: 
8.30 am: Registration 
9.00 am: Opening. Dr William Zammit, President of the National Archives Council 
9.15 am: Mr Joe Caruana, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Education and Employment 
9.30 am:Presentation of the State of Maltese Archives Report. Dr Charles J. Farrugia, National Archivist. 
10.30 am: Coffee Break 
11.00 am: Discussion 
12.20 pm: Conclusion. Dr William Zammit, President of the National Archives Council 
12.30 pm: End 
After the Forum Heritage Malta will offer to those interested a tour of Fort San Angelo. 

Retention Policy for HR Documents

In line with the National Archives Act (V, 2005) the National Archivist has approved an extensive Retention Policy covering HR Documents. The policy establishes retention periods in relation to HR personal data and sets out the guidelines and procedures to be adopted by government ministries and departments to implement this policy. These guidelines have been drawn up, and were issued, in conjunction with the Public Administration Human Resource Office (PAHRO). It is now possible for Public Officers to implement these retention periods without the need to contact the National Archives whenever such issues arise.  
The policy is available HERE 
This retention policy was endorsed by the National Archivist on 10 April 2012, after consultation with the Commissioner for Information and Data Protection, in line with the provisions of the National Archives Act (Cap 477). 

Opening Hours

PLEASE NOTE that on Thursday afternoon during the month of August we will not be open  
Check out our opening hours here 

Login Information

Kindly note that we are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with the registration of new users on the website, because of which, we are sorry to inform you that new user applications cannot be currently processed. We have contacted the web developers who are currently working to find a solution to the issue. As soon as the system is reinstated, we shall inform users immediately via the website. 
Users should note that they can either use limited services on our website or start making use of the full services by becoming a member and create an account  
One can Login with two different methods: e-id user or general user 
e-ID user : 
The e-ID, or electronic identity, is a trusted authentication mechanism for citizens and businesses to identify themselves to electronically access government services, for more information about e-ID click here 
general user: 
General users can be anyone from the public and can register by accessing the page headed with Local Authentication Login or click here
Once you are a registered user and have an account with us always Login through the respective page that applies to you. 

First original Indexes on line

Search the indexes of the Acta Originalia of the Magnia Curia Castellania (MCC A.O.), dated 1543 to 1798. The Magnia Curia Castellania was a Tribunal of first instance which was composed of the Castellano and two Judges, one of whom had the jurisdiction over civil and the other over criminal cases. During the Gallic invasion, it was succeeded by the Tribunale Provvisorio and Tribunale Civile di Prim’Instanza. During the protectorate years (1800-1814), it was known as Gran Corte della Valletta.  
Go to Catalogues section and scroll down to number 100 MCC and click on the icon to open further levels. 


On the occasion of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the National Archives of Malta and the Friends of the National Archives launched the digitisation of the Leli Muscat Collection. 
The Muscat Leli Collection is made up of about 400 hours of Maltese folk-singing (għana) that Leli Muscat had recorded over 20 years, from the sixties onwards, from all over Malta. This collection of two hundred reels, is unique since the recording took place in a number of pubs and clubs during għana sessions. Furthermore, this collection includes a wealth of tens of folk-singers (għannejja), besides a number of musicians (daqqaqa). 
The first phase of the process is the transfer of the recordings from analog to digital format. After this delicate and lengthy process, each track is individually separated. Thus the recording is saved from the dangers that are associated with the deterioration of the reels on which it currently is on. The next step is the restoration program. Concurrently, the collection will be catalogued. Eventually, after these processes, the collection will be made available to both the researchers as well as to the public. 
Mr. Charles Farrugia, the National Archivist, thanked the Friends of the National Archives for the financial aid they made available for acquiring and conserving the Leli Muscat Collection. He also thanked Mr Steve Borg who was instrumental in finding the Collection. "The project that we are starting today is another step in the mission of the National Archives in preserving and making the national memory accessible," concluded Mr Farrugia. 


Browse the electronic shop for the National Archives of Malta, and purchase books, cd's and various other items.

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National Memory Project

The National Memory Project gives you access to thousands of images of historic importance to Malta. These images can be purchased as digital downloads.

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