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YouTube for Creators

With the YouTube for Creators benefits program we’re there with you every step of the way as your channel grows. Starting with Graphite benefits – which are open to all creators – as your subs number gets bigger and bigger you’ll unlock new benefit levels which include all sorts of perks, from workshops and events to production access at the YouTube Spaces, and a whole lot more.

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Armed with a mobile phone and an idea, VlogAfterCollege’s Ryen Lung tested out a few optimization strategies and found out which ones clicked. Now he’s using basic equipment and marketing savvy to take his channel to the next level (with a little help from his four-legged friend, Gatsby).

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Q&A with ttsandra

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How would you best describe yourself and your channel?

I am a beauty-obsessed young woman who loves to share beauty tips and tricks with the everyday woman. Nothing too “glam”, nothing too complex or unrealistic for day-to-day ventures. My channel focuses on makeup and skincare reviews and product demonstrations. Sometimes I pepper in some fashion and lifestyle content, to keep things interesting.

What was the (biggest) mistake you made that you’ve learned the most from?

I’ve been fortunate enough not to make too many irreparable mistakes. As for learning – I’m constantly learning!

What’s the one thing you wished someone had told you when you were first starting out?

That it’s really important to pick the same social media handles for all platforms. Oops.

What do you like best about being a YouTube creator?

I love the fact that I get to interact with so many creative and interesting people around the world.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever received from a viewer?

I love that whenever one of my viewers sends me something, there’s always some sort of candy involved. It’s not so much funny as it is delicious. Dairy Milk Buttons from England are fantastic.

Who were the biggest supporters in your corner when you first got started?

No one! I kept YouTube a secret for so long. For the first three years I was doing it, no one in my day-to-day life knew about it. Now I am fortunate enough to have a slew of supportive people in my life – my boyfriend has been incredibly encouraging and he constantly inspires me to produce better content.

What are your favorite ways to connect with your audience?

Nothing beats IRL interaction. Getting to meet my viewers either at conventions or beauty events or on the street – it never gets old. I love putting a face to a screen name and getting to know more about my viewers on an individual basis.

What did you have to overcome to get where you are today?

Crippling shyness. I can’t believe how much more comfortable I have become in social situations, I still surprise myself sometimes – being on YouTube has helped a ton with that.

What’s the technical skill that had the biggest impact on your channel?

Learning how to edit my videos efficiently. Beauty tutorials can get long and boring pretty fast, so I had to learn how to get to the point, get the point across in a concise manner and edit it in a way that it still seems relaxed and smooth, never rushed.

What are two pieces of equipment you couldn’t live without?

My laptop and my camera. Boring, I know.

What are the best ways to meet and network with other creators?

Best way to meet creators is at events – YouTube Spaces organize various networking events and there are also events like Vidcon, BeautyCon, Playlist Live, etc. where you can meet other creators and connect. If you are unable to travel to those events, chatting to people on Twitter is great too. I made some great creator friends over Twitter, then we eventually met IRL at an event mentioned above.

When did being a creator switch from being a hobby to your full-time passion?

It’s always been a full-time passion, I don’t do it as a full time job but it’s always fueled by my passion for being creative and for sharing beauty products and fashion tips with my audience.

Where do you see YouTube in the next 5 years?

There’s still so much room to grow! I see it become even more mainstream and taking over the traditional TV space.

Where do you continue to get new inspiration?

I get inspiration daily from the videos in my subscription box.

How have you used YouTube Spaces?

I haven’t yet! One just opened in Toronto, though, so I will have to check it out next time I’m in town.

Which YouTube creator resources have you found most useful? (for example: Creator Academy, YouTube Help, Twitter, etc.)

I’m a big fan of the @YTCreators Twitter account.


YouTube Academy

The Creator Academy has a huge catalog of tutorials made to challenge and inspire your creativity. The lessons will give you the inside scoop on how to shoot and edit amazing videos, and make sure your viewers see them too.

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Creator updates

The Creator Monthly is a great way to keep up with everything that’s happening in the YouTube community! Try it out and get that inspiration you need to make bigger and better videos.

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In the news

Check out the official YouTube Creator Blog for the latest product announcements, info about new tools (and how to use them), contest details and more.

The Creator Blog

YouTube Spaces

YouTube Spaces bring together the most creative people on YouTube to learn, connect and create with one another. The Spaces can be found across the globe and offer workshops as well as the latest production resources available – all there to help bring your biggest ideas to life.

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Creator Community

Check out the Creator Community where you can share ideas, ask questions, and get to know other creators! There are tons of great threads about starting out, collaborations, and much more.

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Creator Awards

We know it takes a lot of work, time, and talent to do what you do. And that’s why we celebrate 3 HUGE milestones in your journey: the 100 thousand, 1 million, and the incredible 10 million subscribers mark. At each milestone, we award creators just like you with a silver, gold or diamond play button to celebrate!

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Creator Services Directory

Looking for a little extra help growing your channel? From channel optimization, to promotion and music licenses, our directory of YouTube certified companies can help you take the next step with your channel.

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