Details for Napa Spine and Nerve Center

Why You Should Take Advantage Of This Offer
• The Qualifying assessmenT is FREE
• If you do have PN and you wait, the symptoms
will only get worse, take longer to treat and
cost more.
• If you don’t have PN, you won’t have to worry
about losing your fingers or toes.
• If you do have PN and we relieve your symptoms
you can resume your normal life.

If you have to grab every pIece of furnIture
between the reclIner and the bathroom to
keep from fallIng you may have...
SenSory deprivation, a major
Symptom of peripheral neuropathy

Patient Testimonial
I have been following the articles written by Dr. Taylor. I told my
wife after reading one of the articles that this explains the symptoms
I was getting in my legs and feet. I made an appointment for the
free evaluation. Dr. Taylor explained that I did have Peripheral
Neuropathy and what he felt he could do to help me. A close friend
of mine had come down with this disease. He had his toes cut off,
then his foot and eventually his leg. I didn’t want the same thing to
happen to me.
I went through the treatment program Dr. Taylor recommended
and my transformation has been wonderful. I can now feel the
ground underneath my feet and I have regained my balance
and I feel wonderful. I am 80 years old and I am so grateful to
Dr. Taylor. I highly recommend the treatment, for anyone suffering
with P.N., Robert.

Call today! 707-255-4703

napa spine & nerve Center
s. Jeffrey taylor d.C.
2987 solano ave.
