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In case you weren’t aware, almost 60 days ago, the people of the United Kingdom voted to exit from the European Union.

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“Loan Ranger” by Chris Salese will return next Thursday


Whether it’s a Jamba Juice, a car wash or a new home — it doesn’t matter what you buy these days, you will inevitably receive some sort of request to complete a survey after your purchase is complete.


When the size of your loan is too big to fit into the underwriting box of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, your lender is likely to try to match your application up against the guidelines of a jumbo home loan investor instead.


Don’t worry, I’m not going to modify the lyrics to this classic Cher song in an attempt to make it into some mortgage-related-sounding column. The thought didn’t even cross my mind.


For those of you who live in Northern California and follow the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, I’m sure you’ve heard of the catchy phrase “strength in numbers.”


I recently had the privilege of being a parent chaperone for a class of fourth graders during a three-day trip to the South Fork American River.

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