My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
  • Recent Episodes Play all

    • The Times They Are A Changeling - Duration: 22 minutes.

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      Spike travels with Twilight and Sunburst back to the Crystal Empire to visit Flurry Heart, only to discover that the entire Empire is in a panic due to the reported presence of Changling spy.
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    • 28 Pranks Later - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      When Rainbow Dash's pranking gets out of hand, everypony decides to give her a taste of her own medicine - zom-pony style!
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    • The Cart Before The Ponies - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      The Cutie Mark Crusaders are excited for the chance to race in the annual Applewood Derby - until their teammates Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash take over the competition.
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    • Stranger Than Fan Fiction - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Rainbow Dash attends the Daring Do Convention in Manehattan and meets a pony who hates Daring Do as much as she loves it. The two of them get wrapped up in a real life Daring Do adventure and need ...
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    • Spice up Your Life - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Pinkie Pie and Rarity are called to Canterlot by the map to solve a friendship problem. They discover a father and daughter whose relationship is strained as they struggle to keep their restaurant ...
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    • My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Flutter Brutter - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      When Fluttershy's self-absorbed brother starts freeloading off their parents, she encourages him to move out, but he moves in with her instead, forcing Fluttershy to stand up to her brother and hel...
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    • Applejack's "Day" Off - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      While Rarity struggles to get Applejack to relax at the spa, Twilight and Spike find covering her “simple” farm chores to be a more difficult job than they thought.
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    • Saddle Row & Rec - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      When Rarity opens her flagship store in Manehattan, a tell-all article threatens to expose how badly her friends almost ruined the Grand Opening.
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    • A Hearth’s Warming Tail - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      It's Hearth's Warming Eve and everypony is excited. Everypony except for Starlight Glimmer. Twilight decides that to cure Starlight of her holiday blues, she will read her one of her favorite Heart...
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    • Newbie Dash - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Rainbow Dash finally achieves her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, but makes a disastrous first impression with the team and gets saddled with a mortifying nickname she is determined to change.
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    • No Second Prances - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      When Starlight Glimmer starts becoming friends with a fellow formerly-bad pony, Twilight tries to stop her.
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    • Gauntlet Of Fire - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Spike is forced to compete in a dangerous Gauntlet for the title of Dragon Lord in order to save his friends.
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  • Popular Episodes Play all

    • Apple Family Reunion - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      The entire Apple clan is getting together for a family reunion and Granny Smith has tapped Applejack to take over planning duties. But Applejack?s efforts to make it the most memorable reunion eve...
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    • My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Lesson Zero - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Hyper-organized Twilight panics when she can't find a lesson about friendship for her weekly letter to Princess Celestia.
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    • Keep Calm and Flutter On - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      When the Ponyville Ponies are tasked with helping reform Discord, Fluttershy is the only one really willing to give him a chance. He starts to show signs of progress, but is he actually becoming a ...
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    • My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - All of the Cutie - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Apple Bloom is discouraged because she has not received her cutie mark yet so she aggressively searches out her purpose in life so she can get it.
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    • Friendship is Magic - Part 1 - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      After attempting to warn Princess Celestia about the return of the wicked Night Mare Moon, Twilight Sparkle and Spike travel to Ponyville where they meet Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity...
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    • Friendship is Magic - Part 2 - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      It is up to Twilight and her new pony friends to help the Princess, but it will not be easy. Night Mare Moon challenges the ponies with individual obstacles they must overcome to find the Elements ...
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    • My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - The Mysterious Mare Do Well - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      A new masked avenger is stealing Rainbow Dash's thunder as Ponyville's resident hero.
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    • My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - May the Best Pet Win! - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Rainbow Dash holds a flying race to determine who will win the honor of being her pet.
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    • My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - The Crystal Empire Part 1 - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      A magical empire has suddenly appeared in the arctic north of Equestria and Princess Celestia needs Twilight and her friends to find a way to protect it.
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    • Feeling Pinkie Keen - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Amazed with Pinkie Pie's ability to predict the future, Twilight Sparkle follows her around in order to uncover the source of her incredible abilities.
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    • Magical Mystery Cure - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      Twilight accidentally casts a spell that switches the Cutie Marks of all her friends. She must find a way to reverse the spell and put her friends back on the right path. In the process, Twilight?...
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    • Games Ponies Play - Duration: 22 minutes.

      $ From $1.99
      The Crystal Empire is in the running to host the Equestria Games and Princess Cadence asks Twilight and her friends to help welcome the Games Inspector. But when the Inspector arrives early, they ...
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