  • Comments • 797

    Just fyi, the title for the live q&a with Jason says 2015 when it should be 2016. It's probably not a problem but I thought I'd mention it :3
    The Dice Tower
    +lordofthe6string Got it, thanks!
    Saiful Mokhtar
    I thought there was gonna be a Dice Tower Con livestream Top 10 list last night? What happened to that?
    Shawn Fleury
    Tom had mentioned in the Boardgame Breakfast episode right before Dice Tower Con that they might not stream that Top 10 live. Hopefully it will make it to their channel at some point.
    David Beaumier
    Hello, first, i really like your show ! i have a modest suggestion for your youtube page. Since i've discovered you, i look at some of your review and those that i find interesting, sometime i buy them. But with the amount of review you are doing, it's sometime hard to find those game that are good. would it be possible for you to a a small rating on the thumbnail of your video ? or maybe your seal of approval and seal of excellency ? just a little something so we can from the start have an idea. so here you go ! keep up the good work :)
    Future Games
    What happened to the designer pane video, why it got removed... We really wanted to watch that !!!
    Randy Adams
    Ok, I'm with Tom on not really liking Clue that much.. and I really don't like redone versions of classic games because they're usually mainly cosmetic changes and very lame (looking at you Monopoly)... but I tried Harry Potter Clue with my daughter the other day and I can't believe it but I actually think it is pretty good and better than the original game.  It's possible for all of you to lose!  The secret passages you can take and the doors open on the game board actually change based off the roll of an extra die.  There are also dark events that happen that bring one or all of you closer to failure.  It's worth a look.
    When will we get to see that huge Jason Levine boardgame collection?
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    The Dice Tower
    +Jim Locke Sometimes things aren't as easy as they seem to be. There are actual logistical reasons we haven't done this yet.
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    Will we see more Zee reviews of Neuroshima Hex armies now that Mephisto and Dancer are out?
    Radu Stanculescu
    What do you think of doing a top 10 house rules? Though I don't know if you'd have enough for a top 10. Top 3? :)
    Dusty Erker
    Tom did you see the new reskin of Cosmic Encounter???? https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2016/7/22/the-iron-throne/
    Daniel Gill
    Could you do a top 10 war games for 2 players? that'd be cool.
    Ian Carson
    Can't wait to see some post-gen con videos!
    VIRCH Gaming
    Super fun channel mate. You have some hilarious videos! Keep up the good work! Cheers mate
    could you do more heroscape videos?
    Ryan Coil
    I am curious if you guys have heard about the Dark Souls Board Game being made by Steamforge Games? I hope you get the chance to review it or give you thoughts on it considering how many records it broke on kickstater. Love the show guys!
    Joey Lucier
    I'd love to see Top 10 Microgames!
    Alexandre Laguna
    Hello. I'm a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings LCG and I know I'm not alone here. The game have expansions being released constantly (afterall, that's a FFG game...) and a community of players that never stops growing. For a game that old (five years, right?) I think it's quite alive and well and it surprises me we never again saw anybody here at the Dice Tower talking about it. I know there used to be a segment exclusive to the game years ago but it was long terminated and since then, nothing... So here's my point: for a channel that has been growing as the Dice Tower has, neglecting to talk about games that big and well liked be the people like TLotR LCG is a little strange... I'm not asking much. Maybe just a mention on some Board Game Breakfast episode or maybe a once a year review of all the expansions relesad that year. The fans would love the love ;)
    i Schenkmytro
    Feels like there are quite some playlists missing.. Like top 100s , Gencon , top 10s stuff like that. Awesome channel tho.
    Oney Clavijo
    Hi Tom, why don't you and/or the guys make a top 10 about games that make bonds between players. It's kinda co-op games but also when others save your back and you can sacrifice for the team, ya'know, that kind of cool heroic stuff where you feel you owe big time to your guys.
    Rinaldo De Lucca
    Hi, we need a Top 10 Solid Strategy Board Games... ;-)
    Fluorescent Tip
    To put things into perspective, how many new games do you guys play each year?
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