Twitter Engineering

Building the world’s first real-time distributed public platform connecting people to their interests, events and each other

From the Twitter Engineering Blog

  • SuperRoot: Launching a High-SLA Production Service at Twitter Friday, July 22, 2016

    Our search infrastructure team is building Omnisearch, a new information retrieval system to power the next generation of relevance-based, personalized products. We recently launched SuperRoot, the first major architectural component of Omnisearch. In this blog post, we detail the path to building and launching a high-SLA production system at Twitter.

  • Discovery and Consumption of Analytics Data at Twitter Wednesday, June 29, 2016

    Details about how data engineers and scientists discover and consume analytics data at Twitter.

  • Bug Bounty, 2 years in Friday, May 27, 2016

    Security on a global platform like Twitter is a 24/7 job – we are constantly evolving to respond to new threats and attacks against our users and our systems. In order to stay ahead of the game we staff dedicated account-, network-, enterprise-, corporate-, and application-security teams, as well as an incident detection and response team.

  • Open Sourcing Twitter Heron Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    We’re open sourcing Heron, our real-time stream processing engine which has been powering all of Twitter’s real-time analytics for over two years.