Analyze your Tweets and understand your followers

Every word, photo, video, and follower can have an impact.

Twitter’s analytics help you understand how the content you share on Twitter grows your business. Here’s what you can learn — and where:

  1. Account home is your Twitter report card, with high-level statistics tracked from month to month. It’s also a gallery of your greatest hits: we’ll spotlight your top-performing Tweets and introduce you to the influencers in your network.

    Visit your Account home today or learn more.

  2. Your Tweet activity dashboard is where you’ll find metrics for every single one of your Tweets. You’ll know exactly how many times Twitter users have seen, Retweeted, liked and replied to each Tweet.

    Visit your Tweet activity dashboard today or learn more.

  3. Your audience insights dashboardcontains valuable information about the people who follow you on Twitter. You can track your follower growth over time and learn more about your followers’ interests and demographics. 

    Visit your audience insights today (click the “Followers” tab) or learn more.

Quickly promote your Tweets

Quick Promote allows you to share your best Tweets with a relevant audience in just a few clicks, from your analytics dashboards, Twitter timeline, or your mobile phone.

Explore your top Tweets and quickly promote them from your dashboard, or learn more about Quick Promote.

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