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To the untrained eye, navigation can appear a devilishly complicated business, but there are few greater pleasures afloat than safely navigating your boat to a safe haven, using skills that are centuries old. Here are a few tips... 

Creek crawling tips
Creek crawling tips
Top tips to help you explore the upper reaches of the river.
No Fix? Easily fixed
No Fix? Easily fixed
Simon Jinks shows us how radar can be used for pilotage.
River Colne - Up river guide
River Colne - Up river guide
The RYA guide to the River Colne
Space Jam
Space Jam
eLoran offers alternative to GPS in the event of signal failure.
The X Factor
The X Factor
X marks the spot.
E-nav – the race is on.
E-nav – the race is on.
GPS has held pole position but this may change…
Broadband Radar
Broadband Radar
Better than conventional radar?
Digital radar
Digital radar
How has digital radar developed and what benefits does it offer us?
Buoy hopping
Buoy hopping
Buoy hopping is a very useful skill to employ in a narrow, well lit channel or estuary.
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RYA Navigation Handbook 2nd Edition
RYA Astro Navigation Handbook

Information and Advice

For more information related to cruising try some of the following links from Information and Advice...