Shropshire SC is celebrating its first OnBoard anniversary as the latest group of students from Sir John Talbot’s and The Marches School recently took to the water for six weeks of sailing.

In association with Energize Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, the students spent two sessions on dry land, learning all about rigging the boats and being taken through capsizing drills, before being fitted for their equipment ready to head out on the water. Over the course of a further four sessions, the students were given the chance to set sail for real.

During the sailing sessions, aimed at building basic sailing skills for beginners, as well as imparting knowledge about the boats and the principles of sailing, they got to grips with the boats and spent time practicing their tacking (manoeuvring the boats). 

At the end of the four weeks, John Ridgers, Shropshire SC Training Principal, invited parents along to watch the final session and to enjoy a presentation ceremony during which the proud students received their RYA Youth Sailing Scheme Stage 1 certificates. 

Mr Ridgers, commented: “Seeing these 12 students achieve their RYA Youth Stage 1 awards, having never been in a dinghy a few weeks ago, is outstanding. Over the six sessions these two groups of students have come together as one, in their friendship, respect and support for one another. 

They have overcome challenges and personal fears in a safe, controlled environment whilst at the same time having great fun!”

OnBoard is the national grassroots sailing initiative, run by sailing’s national governing body the RYA, to provide low cost sailing opportunities for school and youth groups so more kids aged 8-18 can learn to sail. 

Mr Brown, a PE teacher at Sir John Talbot’s who accompanied the students throughout their course, added: “I think our students have become more self-confident and independent as a result of this experience. Not only have they been introduced to a new sport but, through the excellent instruction they have received, they have learned and developed skills which reach far beyond sailing.”

Since its launch in 2005 over half a million kids have been introduced to sailing and windsurfing through OnBoard nationwide with around 10% taking up the sport on a regular basis.

For more information about Shropshire Sailing Club please visit