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A donor advised fund allows the donor to make a contribution and receive a tax deduction at the time of the gift before choosing the eventual recipient of the funds. Therefore donors who wish to make a tax-deductible donation now but are not yet sure which charity they want to support may find the donor advised fund useful.

 In addition, GiveWell uses the donor advised fund to facilitate non-cash donations (such as appreciated stock) to our recommended charities and receive non-cash donations for operating support.

 How do the mechanics of grant recommendation and tax receipt work?  You donate to a fund held by GiveWell through Vanguard Charitable. Your donation is tax deductible for the year in which you make it and you will receive a receipt from Vanguard Charitable for your tax purposes.  Legal control of the funds belongs to Vanguard Charitable. Authority to recommend grants belongs to GiveWell. GiveWell will recommend a grant based on your preference.  The minimum size for a donation is $5,000. GiveWell can also receive stock (including donations worth less than $5,000) through our E*Trade brokerage account; interested donors should email for details.  Vanguard Charitable charges a total of 0.70% per year on assets held on the fund (0.60% administrative fees and 0.10% for the Money Market pool in which assets are held - details here). To make a donation, you must complete the forms and paperwork detailed below. How do I make a gift to GiveWell's donor advised fund? Donations to GiveWell's donor advised fund must be at least $5,000 in size.

 Fill out the Make a Contribution form, linked here or from this page (under "Contribute to your account"). Section 1: enter A0881598 as the account number and "GiveWell" for the name of the account. Also, check the "Individuals" box and fill out your contact information immediately below. Section 2: If you are planning to send a check, mark the "Check" box and fill out the information in section 2f. If you are planning to donate other types of assets, fill out the appropriate sections. Section 3: Check the box at the top of the section to keep the existing weighted account allocation. Section 5: Read and sign the statement.  Make out a check to the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program (if applicable) and put "GiveWell" in the memo. Mailing or faxing: The form should be sent to Vanguard Charitable at: Vanguard Charitable P.O. Box 55766 Boston, MA 02205-5766 FAX: 866-485-9414 

Recommending a grant Once you have decided which charity you'd like to support, please let us know and we will recommend a grant to the charity you select.

 Where can I read the fund's official policies and guidelines? Vanguard Charitable’s policies and guidelines are available here.

 What if I have other questions? Please contact us.

              Charity research  Top charitiesAgainst Malaria Foundation Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Deworm the World Initiative GiveDirectly Other standout charities All charities considered  ResearchProcess Criteria Open Philanthropy Project Research FAQ Research discussions Site visits Conversations Intervention Reports  GiveWell's credibilityReputation Transparency Impact  Mistakes Blog About GiveWellProgress to date Stay updated Our story Our people Jobs Official records Donate to us Common questions Submit a charity Contact us      Other resources  Giving 101 Do-it-yourself evaluation           Stay updated  Want to stay updated on GiveWell's research? Follow us by email, RSS, Twitter, or Facebook        Latest blog posts  We’re hiring a Director of Operations  Trying out a new format: GiveWell podcast GiveWell’s money moved and web traffic in 2015 Reservations about water quality interventions GiveWell research plans for 2016           Home Contact FAQ RSS Site map Stay updated Jobs      GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License               try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){} 

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