June 2016 Open Thread

Our goal with hosting quarterly open threads is to give blog readers an opportunity to publicly raise comments or questions about GiveWell or related topics (in the comments section below). As always, you’re also welcome to email us at info@givewell.org or to request a call with GiveWell staff if you have feedback or questions you’d prefer to discuss privately. We’ll try to respond promptly to questions or comments.

If you have questions related to the Open Philanthropy Project, you can post those in the Open Philanthropy Project’s open thread.

You can view our March 2016 open thread here.


June 2016 Open Thread — 8 Comments

  1. In the past I have given to Givewell to direct my donations to a specific charity– with 10% added to support Givewell.

    Is there anyway to go back and see what charities I have directed my donation to? Or will my reccords just show the money as having just gone to Givewell since I have directed it through givewell?

  2. Two quick questions:

    (1) What’s the timeline for publishing the Q1 2016 money moved and web traffic review? Or, is the review discontinued?

    (2) Does GiveWell plan to do a formal announcement of the mid-year update to its charity recommendations? This was mentioned in an earlier blog post, and I see various updates posted to the mailing list, but no clear announcement yet of an overall list refresh.

  3. 1) Has the GiveWell team considered adding a means of fundraising for the recommended charities? It’s easy to donate using the GiveWell website, but if I want to have a fundraising page to gather others’ donations, I have to go to a third party. I think this functionality would allow you more direct ways of tracking money moved and expose more people to GiveWell. If I use a third party to raise money for AMF, for example, my donors won’t see the GiveWell website and I am obliged to report back to you once I get the donations in.

    2) Has GiveWell considered putting together a summary video about the organization and philosophy (explanatory animations always welcome) to be used as an alternative to the usual graphic-less write-ups that are intended for a less pedestrian audience? This would seem to follow your other outreach efforts (I.e., podcast) and support item 1.

  4. Hi John – we don’t have an overall take on the relative importance of talent gaps vs funding gaps. We believe that both types of gap exist: regarding funding gaps, our top charities have substantial room for more funding, including the Against Malaria Foundation’s substantial gap and the possibility that GiveDirectly could give away hundreds of millions of dollars in the long-term. For more on this, see our November 2015 top charities announcement post.

    We also see substantial “talent gaps.” We wrote about this in a post on charities we’d like to see created. We’ve also
    written about the fact
    that throughout GiveWell’s history, our talent gap for staff has tended to be more pressing than our funding gap as an organization.

    Finally, we wrote a post with our take on the idea of “earning to give.”

  5. Chris – thanks for your support! We’d be happy to follow up with you about which charities you’ve supported; you can email donations@givewell.org for your individual donation records.

    There are a few different ways to direct funding to our recommended charities by donating through GiveWell’s website, which will be reflected on your GiveWell donation receipt:

    (1) Indicating specifically which charities you’d like your funding to support (e.g., designating your donation for the Against Malaria Foundation). In this case, we’ll redirect your funding to that organization, and that organization’s name will be reflected on your receipt from GiveWell.

    (2) Donating to “grants to recommended charities at GiveWell’s discretion.” In this case, GiveWell will apply its judgment to allocate the donation among recommended charities. We expect to follow our most up-to-date recommended funding allocation to make these decisions (we currently recommend an allocation of 100% to the Against Malaria Foundation). Your receipt from GiveWell will say “Grants to recommended charities.”

    (3) Donating to GiveWell’s operations. This funding supports GiveWell as an organization, and is not redirected to our top charities unless we surpass a certain level of unrestricted assets, at which point we will regrant additional funding to our top charities. Your receipt from GiveWell will say “GiveWell operating support.”

  6. Vipul –

    (1) The quarterly reviews have not been discontinued. We deprioritized the Q1 report due to other priorities in the past few weeks, but plan to post it soon.
    (2) We are planning to publish a blog post announcing our mid-year update once our updated reviews are posted. We hope these will be published in the next few weeks.

  7. Ben –

    1) We are not planning to add a means of fundraising for our recommended charities at this time. We imagine this would take some staff time to set up and are unsure whether there would be significant demand for the service. That said, we have directed individuals interested in this type of outreach to the Against Malaria Foundation’s website, which enables you to set up a fundraising page: http://blog.givewell.org/2015/12/10/encouraging-friends-and-family-to-give-to-amf-for-the-holidays/. Charity Science, a foundation focused on public outreach around effective charities, including GiveWell’s recommended charities, also has more information about conducting fundraisers for charities on its website.

    2) This is something we have considered, but are not currently prioritizing. A high-quality video would be a difficult and time-intensive project, and not one we’re sure we’re well-suited to at the moment, especially relative to our other priorities.

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