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This chatbot has saved people millions in parking tickets
Technology 3 hours ago
A 19-year-old Stanford University student named Joshua Browder developed a "chatbot lawyer" which assists people in New York City and the U.K with parking ticket disputes. So far, DoNotPay has taken on 250,000 ticket disputes and 160,000 of those tickets have been overturned.
Palin to conservatives: 'You're either with us or against us'
Election 2016 2 hours ago
Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin rallied the Western Conservative Summit in Denver on Friday. The summit also drew protests, including some who built a wall near the city's convention center.
Obama administration releases drone strike casualty figures
US News 2 hours ago
On Friday, the White House published a report disclosing the number of civilian and combatant deaths caused by U.S. airstrikes, outside of active war zones.

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Reports of shooting and hostage situation in Gulshan 2, Dhaka. Please shelter in place and monitor news.


They say they know better, when there's really no better way to be // Fools Like We - 7/5/16

Our economy is always stronger with a Democrat in the White House.

Y'all know I had to get some of this yogurt. Princess tryna get some yoshi D

Togedemaru stores electricity and unleashes it in powerful attacks!

Our condolences for the tragic loss

Ready for Australia 🤘🏼

He taught me how to chug a beer. Or at least tried to. I am hopeless. New video with this guy sooooooooon!

Throwing it back with and the .

How far will the go to ?! Find out on TUESDAY during a brand new episode!

California will now require an ID and background check for ammunition purchases


Looking over art and putting the finishing touches on my brain baby. Are brain kegels a thing?

Take a look at what happened w/ Bill Clinton. The system is totally rigged. Does anybody really believe that meeting was just a coincidence?

Dwight Howard has agreed to 3-year, $70.5 million deal with Hawks (via & confirmed by ESPN).

Just incase you're having a bad day, here's a pudgy bird

Straight outta the bath and ready for vacation mom!

Vivid auroras spotted in ’s atmosphere by ! arrives Monday:

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