
RYA Scotland

The Royal Yachting Association Scotland (RYA Scotland) has two distinct roles. Firstly we are a membership organisation charged with looking after the interests of individuals, clubs, training centres and affiliates of the RYA in Scotland. Secondly we are the recognised governing body for sailing in all it’s forms in Scotland.
The first of these roles is directly supported by the membership of the RYA and the second is supported by sportscotland, the national agency for sport.
Our work is diverse. Between the staff and volunteers of RYA Scotland we plan, run and deliver programmes of activity that cover narrow boating, powerboating and motorcruising, dinghy, keelboat and yacht sailing,volunteer, coach and club development, elite athlete development and racing, environmental awareness, advice to government, local authorities and coastal developers and a multitude of other activities to protect the rights and promote the interests of the boating community in Scotland.
The Royal Yachting Association Scotland (RYA Scotland) has two distinct roles. Firstly we are a membership organisation charged with looking after the interests of individuals, clubs, training centres and affiliates of the RYA in Scotland. Secondl...
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