Kieler Woche
18 - 26 June 2016

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From Kiel to the World

Press Conferene in Kiel Buhl in Olympic mode - Herrmann chasing records
Kiel-Schilksee is presenting itself with pre-Olympic glamour for the Kiel Week from 18. until 26. June, becoming a melting pot of the sailing sport, a meeting point for top sailors and young talents.
Kieler-Woche-AusschreibungNacra17 MIX & 470 M/W will start in Kiel
For the Nacra17 MIX Kieler Woche counts as Int. German Championship. The 470 M and W will start and score together (470 M/W). For both boat classes prize money is endowed. The entry system is still open: Register now!
Facebook page Kieler Woche SailingBecome a fan of Kieler Woche Sailing on Facebook
Lots of news and pictures on - mostly in English: This page focusses on regattas and sports.

There is even more...

  • You can find the complete event database here (in German)
  • The first Kieler Woche was held in 1882. Celebrate with us its 134th anniversary.
  • Ringing a ship’s bell (three double rings and one single ring), will be the start of the traditional opening ceremony of Kieler Woche on the Town Hall Stage at 7:30 pm on Saturday 18 June, 2016.
  • More than three million visitors from all over the world will be diving into the colourful and multi-facetted life of Kieler Woche.