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Consistent with our principle of extreme transparency, everything relevant - including our budget and the minutes, presentation materials, and audio recording for each Board meeting - is available; if there is something you believe should be added to this site, please let us know.

  Table of Contents   Board meetings Financials Policies IRS-related materials Conference calls   Board meetings This is a full list of current board members.

 Click a meeting for audio and other details. GiveWell also holds more informal conference calls and public research discussions to discuss GiveWell's research, progress, and plans.

 June 22, 2007 December 17, 2007 January 3, 2008 March 4, 2008 April 23, 2008 September 8, 2008 November 10, 2008 December 15, 2008 March 31, 2009 July 27, 2009 December 29, 2009 March 3, 2010 July 14, 2010 December 14, 2010 April 11, 2011 August 17, 2011 December 20, 2011 March 28, 2012 July 2, 2012 August 9, 2012 January 24, 2013 April 29, 2013 May 6, 2013 August 14, 2013 December 16, 2013 April 30, 2014 August 18, 2014 December 16, 2014 March 12, 2015 June 17, 2015 October 15, 2015 March 21, 2016 Financials Clear Fund 2007 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2007 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2008 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2008 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2009 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2009 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2010 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2010 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2011 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2011 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2012 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2012 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2013 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2013 tax return (Form 990) (PDF) Clear Fund 2014 audited financial statement (PDF) Clear Fund 2014 tax return (Form 990) (PDF)Policies Whistleblower Policy (DOC) Equal Employment Opportunity and Harassment Policies (DOC) Document Retention and Destruction Policy (DOC) Privacy policy "Excess assets" policy Relationship disclosures Policy on accepting gifts from potential top charities Policy on working arrangement between GiveWell and Good Ventures IRS-related materials Certificate of Incorporation of The Clear Fund, Inc. Adopted Bylaws of The Clear Fund, Inc. Clear Fund Form 1023 (application for tax exempt status) (PDF) IRS letter of determination (notification of tax exempt status) Assumed name certificate for "GiveWell" Conference calls We hold periodic conference calls on our research, progress, and plans, and publish audio recordings and written transcripts from past calls.

              Charity research  Top charitiesAgainst Malaria Foundation Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Deworm the World Initiative GiveDirectly Other standout charities All charities considered  ResearchProcess Criteria Open Philanthropy Project Research FAQ Research discussions Site visits Conversations Intervention Reports  GiveWell's credibilityReputation Transparency Impact  Mistakes Blog About GiveWellProgress to date Stay updated Our story Our people Jobs Official records Donate to us Common questions Submit a charity Contact us      Other resources  Giving 101 Do-it-yourself evaluation           Stay updated  Want to stay updated on GiveWell's research? Follow us by email, RSS, Twitter, or Facebook        Latest blog posts  June 2016 Open Thread We’re hiring a Director of Operations  Trying out a new format: GiveWell podcast GiveWell’s money moved and web traffic in 2015 Reservations about water quality interventions           Home Contact FAQ RSS Site map Stay updated Jobs      GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License               try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){} 

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