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Birds, Environment, Program Lectures,

Field Trips, Basic Birding Classes

Meetup with the Seminole Audubon Society – A Chapter of Audubon of Florida and National Audubon Society

Join us September to April (Special events are May to August)

Program Lectures (Free *) are held at 2:00 p.m. on the second Sunday each month at the First Presbyterian Church in Sanford; 320 South Park Avenue. Meetings are open to the public. Check our Meetup calendar for dates and programs. (also check out on the web

Field trips (Free*) are to a variety of places in Central Florida. Check our Meetup calendar for dates and places. (also check out on the web

Basic Birding Classes (charge for class) - Four-session beginning birding course for birders of all ages. These classes are in partnership with Seminole County Natural Lands Program. For details and registration call Shirley at 407 977-4389. See our web site

The Mission of the Seminole Audubon Society is to promote awareness and protection of the plants and animals in the St Johns River basin in order to sustain the beneficial coexistence of nature and humans.

Visit us on the web

*We encourage you to become an Audubon member. Your Membership contribution will make you a partner in Audubon’s mission to conserve and protect nature’s at-risk birds and wildlife. (This membership includes the national, state and local levels.)

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Founded Jul 16, 2012

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