Tuition Rates

St. Helena Cooperative Nursery School
2015-2016 Registration & Tuition Information

Registration fee for all classes: $100.00

Class Class Time Monthly Tuition Reduced Participation Tuition

Toddler age class
(2-year olds):

3:30-5:30 pm Thursday $ 100.00 not applicable
Mixed age classes
(3, 4  & 5-year olds)

Tuesday & Thursday Class
9:00 – 12:00 noon $265.00 $ 375.00/ $500.00
Monday & Wednesday Class 1:00 – 4:00 pm $265.00 $ 375.00/ $500.00
 Monday, Wednesday & Friday Class 9:00 – 12:00 noon $375.00 $ 540.00/ $720.00
4-year olds in
MW or  TTh classes:
Tuesday Afternoon Class*
12:30 – 3:30 pm $165.00 not applicable

* This afternoon class is for four-year old children in MW and TTh classes to provide the older kids in these classes three days a week. This class has reduced parent participation and will be open to the M/W/F children (space permitting).

 See our HANDBOOK (page 10) for more information on classes offered.

For more information, please call 963-7212 or visit


Please consider a recurring donation of $10 - $20 or more monthly through our PayPal account. This can go a long way to help sustain our school for the year.

Fed. Tax ID# 941639779

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

"If a child does not learn the way you teach, teach the way the child learns."

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