
We specialise in delivering payment processing and consultancy to ‘high risk’ industries, from dating services and adult entertainment sites, through to payday loan providers and niche retailers.

Global merchant accounts

Our huge expertise in these fast-moving industries means we know just how to minimise chargebacks and fraud – maximising revenue in the process. And thanks to great relationships with a variety of acquirers, we can help to secure any internet merchant accounts you need. Meanwhile, our wide range of alternative payment providers and technology partners will add extra value to your online offering and create a truly global customer base.

We also offer a single global contract with multiple acquirers, for a single, straightforward integration with a range of global solutions. Just what your customers need for smooth, efficient payments.

Security and flexibility

Better still, our sophisticated counter-fraud solutions give you the power to build a 100% tailored fraud screening process, keeping chargebacks as low as possible.

We’ll also give you the agility and flexibility to manage large pools of subscribers, alongside shorter term or one-off customers. Subscriptions, also called recurring payments or continuous authority transactions, are simple to set up, monitor and manage through MyST, our reporting system.

Our record of success covers many different kinds of high risk organisations. So whatever space you operate in, we’ve got just the solution.

When you consider we support businesses ranging from dating websites to niche retailers, it’s no surprise we’re the high risk industry’s payment partner.

Latest news

The Current Online Fraud Trends

Current Online Fraud Trends Event As the online fraud rate increases, for a merchant being a victim of fraud can have a range of serious effects on the business such as revenue loss and damaged customer experience. Secure Trading, supported by fraud prevention experts ACI Worldwide, will host in Vienna […]

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