Mike Coulson


Snr Cit. Lab. Unite community. NHS & 999 services. Animal welfare. Homelessness. Anti-fossil fuels. CSA Inquiry. Domestic violence. Human Rights.

Nth Yorks

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  1. retweeted

    “Work capability assessment has been an unmitigated disaster for disabled people."

  2. retweeted

    If you respond in usual way will get usual result!

  3. retweeted

    & could galvanise Labour and lead a grassroots revolution:

  4. retweeted

    There are all too few working class MPS so this us great proposal by

  5. retweeted

    I only ever lost my cool in politics once. Actually, strangely enough it was the one time it was justified...

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    Disappointed that claiming party will split if JC elected. Left not going anywhere. So who are these potential splitters?

  7. retweeted

    Interesting that this was said before Corbyn looked set to win...

  8. retweeted

    The key economic adviser to Osborne and minister for infrastructure and the Northern Powerhouse, "bullish on China":

  9. retweeted

    Labour what's happening to this once great party#leadership race destroying party!?

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    is solidarity a bad thing then? Andrew, you're losing the plot mate. Pathetic.

  11. retweeted

    Tories allegedly favour Corbyn, but BBC attack dogs being unleashed says the opposite

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    Oil down to $38.36 a barrel! unviable!Price only $1.50 above signal of 2008 global crash!

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    worth signing if you haven't already done so

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    Labour Progress mob are horrified that someone, (Corbyn), is actually popular

  15. Mike Coulson followed , , and 4 others
    • @bautista_ltf

      Promoting equality, because thats what's worth living for.

    • @labourblogger

      All Tweets are in a personal capacity. This site is independent of Wyre Forest Labour Party

  16. retweeted

    A good leader inspires people..-

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    Live in London? performs at HQ on Weds, you're invited

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    Duncan Smith says 'fake claimant' officials face action Duncan Smith is DWP Sec of State! He's in charge & should go

  19. retweeted

    Support the campaign by declaring I've Voted Corbyn. Add a !

  20. retweeted


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