Jeremy Corbyn MPTài khoản được xác nhận


My official page - Leader of the Labour Party -

Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2010

@jeremycorbyn bị chặn

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  1. Here's my full statement on David Cameron & the tax dodging scandal:

  2. David Cameron has misled the public and lost the trust of the British people

  3. Really pleased to get an endorsement from . I feel a Twins sequel coming on

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    Unfair cuts will mean that, by 2020, council will have £385 less to spend per household than in 2011

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    Find out how unfair Tory cuts to English councils are affecting your local area.

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    I’ve just launched my official campaign video - I’ll be a Mayor for all Londoners. Spread the word - RT this now.

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    Bristol has long been under-served by an inadequate public transport network. We need to get Bristol moving again!

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    Council will have £507 less to spend on each household because of Tory cuts.See how your area's affected:

  9. In Norwich today & Labour's cuts calculator shows the Council will have £108 less to spend on each household by 2020

  10. Meeting apprentices at Norfolk Training Services with Labour MP

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    Our local cuts calculator lets you see how areas across England are hit by Tory cuts. Take a look:

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    New analysis reveals Tory cuts to local gov. hit the poorest areas hardest. Find out how cuts affect your area:

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  14. Today 3 million families would have been £1,000 worse-off if Osborne & Cameron had introduced their tax credit cuts

    Labour Defeats Tories' Tax Credit Cuts Proposals
    The failed Tory leadership has made unfair cuts that have hit the less well-off while standing by and failing to tackle tax avoidance by the very richest.
  15. Đã Tweet lại
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    This is a crisis rooted deep in Tory attitudes | John McDonnell

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    Did you see our Party Political Broadcast on TV tonight? Help us spread the word – RT if you’re with us:

    It's a fairer way, and it's a better way.
  18. Đã Tweet lại

    On 5 May we're standing up for a fair economy, housing, safer communities and the NHS. RT if you’re with us →

  19. . launched our local elections campaign this morning and here's today's Party Election Broadcast

    Labour's Local Election Campaign Launch
    The Tories have made unfair cuts that have hit the less well-off while standing by & failing to tackle tax avoidance by the very richest. The Tories are on their own side, Labour is on your side.
  20. We asked to tackle tax avoidance & evasion after the Google tax deal. He's done nothing

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