Angela EagleVerified account


Labour MP for Wallasey & member of the Shadow Cabinet. Chair of Labour National Policy Forum, Shadow Business Secretary & First Secretary of State

Joined March 2010

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  1. Retweeted

    Northern Powerhouse branded Northern Powersham amid claims it has lost £3.5bn

  2. I think everyone needs to realise we are all in the same party!

  3. I am a member of & I do admit conspiring to bring about about a Labour victory & a Labour Govt

  4. Not mentioned in his budget speech for some unfathomable reason!

  5. Retweeted
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    James Callaghan was born in 1912. He was from 1976 to 1979

  7. Retweeted

    Team out this morning delivering leaflets to the great people of Seacombe. Thanks

  8. Thank you & for covering my coming out with such respect 18yrs ago!

  9. Retweeted

    If you haven't seen it watch brilliant summing up of Osborne's Compassionate Conservative budget

  10. Retweeted
  11. Retweeted

    Are you one of the millions of people who get frustrated when waiting for your egg to boil?

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    Register to vote
  12. Retweeted
  13. Retweeted

    Tories sneak out Land Registry sell-off the night before Easter Holiday

  14. Retweeted

    Land Registry - this short-term privatisation will have long-term consequences -

  15. Retweeted

    Another graph for Nicky Morgan: Public service cuts make budget inequality even worse

  16. Retweeted

    Watch this to see the Chancellor avoiding my question SIX times on whether there will be further cuts to welfare

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