MJ and Scottie together again. (via @ESPNNBA)http://vine.co/v/ixzWXAqLwxK
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MJ and Scottie together again. (via @ESPNNBA)http://vine.co/v/ixzWXAqLwxK
Caution is out! Multiple cars involved in this one.
New research gives clues about patterns called “lunar swirls” that appear on moon's surface: http://go.nasa.gov/1W0CQIi pic.twitter.com/W68QVUOMtO
Bernie Sanders announced his presidential candidacy a year ago today: http://abcn.ws/1O2BpkU pic.twitter.com/dN8zZx7cVu
The Trout just aren’t biting today.https://vine.co/v/iP9UTJFtZEU
10 desktop accessories that will make you WANT to be productive http://xobenzo.com/blogs/10-desktop-accessories-that-will-make-you-want-to-get-work-done …pic.twitter.com/JeKNGjZ8iY
Thank you Indiana! #Trump2016pic.twitter.com/shPWexfkVX
he was a sk8er pup she said c u l8er puppic.twitter.com/f3SLJiAK0P
When you realize nobody retweeted your hilarious one-liner and you start to question everything.pic.twitter.com/WqCH9Tvte3
TONIGHT the rivalry between @FightOwensFight & @iLikeSamiZayn continues at #WWEPayback! http://po.st/4TzaFT pic.twitter.com/YSDQlp6SVI
Forgot what a 6am flight feels like! Hair or make up not an option, that's what filters are for. #NYC #MetGalapic.twitter.com/M6xbV81jUi
"Michelle has not aged a day. The only way you can date her in photos is by looking at me." —@POTUS sharing photos:pic.twitter.com/hloflknfMZ
honored to be here #WHCD #RockTheVotepic.twitter.com/kKsbFX80Pg
America's most prestigious professions in 2016: 1. Doctor 2. Scientist 3. Firefighter http://onforb.es/1VUH19b pic.twitter.com/hPTERohA9K
That #24 worn by @MoneyLynch?
According to Doug Baldwin, it's off limits to rookie RBs: http://on.nfl.com/26HSpIM pic.twitter.com/eanqarNnwb
Literal mic drop. Wow. Miss him already. #WHCDpic.twitter.com/jzKAYpLYPe
Obama: "Next year someone else will be standing here in this spot, and it's anyone's guess who she will be." #WHCDpic.twitter.com/XVFxZUzKeJ
Share & download mods like never before with #Fallout4’s Creation Kit & BethesdaNet http://bit.ly/24txW8x pic.twitter.com/vsJvw8lVSX
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