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  1. Tweet fissato

    Don't mean to brag, but the only evidence anyone had that Corbyn was going to win was YouGov. We said 62/38, result was 62/38

  2. By almost 2 to 1, Americans think that Hillary Clinton won the first presidential debate

  3. If the world was coming to an end, how would you spend your final day?

  4. Brits agree with : nuclear weapons are more dangerous than climate change

  5. Today's survey: do you believe that antisemitism is so deeply entrenched in our culture it is often ignored?

  6. After our success with the Corbyn/Smith vote over the weekend, here's a reminder of YouGov's record of accuracy in leadership elections

  7. 73% of women and 52% of men talk to their mums on the phone at least once a week, though dads get called less

  8. Today's survey: assuming the next election is in 2020, do you think Jeremy Corbyn will still be leader by then?

  9. Don't mean to brag, but the only evidence anyone had that Corbyn was going to win was YouGov. We said 62/38, result was 62/38

  10. Corbyn wins among 17 of 20 demographic categories in our breakdown of Labour members' leadership votes

  11. Corbyn wins among 17 of 20 demographic categories in our breakdown of Labour members' leadership votes

  12. Good news for pollsters from . predicted Corbyn to win with 62pc and he did. Respect.

  13. With the Corbyn/Smith contest for Labour members over, the Corbyn/May contest for the public begins again in earnest

  14. The real winner of Labour's leadership election is YouGov, which had it bang on at 62/38 in its last poll.

  15. Credit where it's due: final poll was spot on

  16. YouGov, once again, got the Labour leadership contest bang on. Congrats to them.

  17. People keep trashing opinion pollsters but called Labour leadership exactly right

  18. Aside on polling: polling party members, union affiliates, registered supporters technically challenging - impressive to get right.

  19. nailed it again. Well done and team

  20. Another year, and YouGov prove they are still the gold standard for this type of polling - bob on 62-38.

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