Implementation and Migration: Deprecated features

The functions and features listed below were supported in the v2 API. However, they have been deprecated and are not supported in the v3 API:

Authorization methods

OAuth 1.0

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: OAuth 1.0 authorization

Use OAuth 2.0 authorization instead.


YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: AuthSub authorization

Use OAuth 2.0 authorization instead.


YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: ClientLogin authorization

Use OAuth 2.0 authorization instead.

Other features

Standard video feeds

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Standard video feeds

However, note that the most_popular standard feed is still supported and can be retrieved using the videos.list method. See the retrieve most popular videos example in the videos section for more details.

RSS feed support

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: alt query parameter

Video recommendations

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Retrieve video recommendations

The v3 API does not retrieve a list that only contains videos recommended for the current API user. However, you can use the v3 API to find recommended videos by calling the activities.list method and setting the home parameter value to true.

In the API response, a resource corresponds to a recommended video if the snippet.type property's value is recommendation. In that case, the contentDetails.recommendation.reason and contentDetails.recommendation.seedResourceId properties will contain information about why the video was recommended. Note that there is no guarantee that the response will contain any particular number of recommended videos.

Channel suggestions

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Retrieve channel suggestions

New subscription videos

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Retrieve new subscription videos

The v3 API does not retrieve a list that only contains videos that have recently been uploaded to channels that the API user subscribes to. However, you can use the v3 API to find new subscription videos by calling the activities.list method and setting the home parameter value to true.

In the API response, a resource corresponds to a new subscription video if the snippet.type property's value is upload. Note that there is no guarantee that the response will contain any particular number of new subscription videos.

Developer tags

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Set or retrieve developer tags

The v2 API supported the ability to associate keywords, or developer tags, with a video at the time that the video was uploaded. Developer tags would not be displayed to YouTube users, but video owners could retrieve videos that matched a specific developer tag.

The v3 API's search.list method supports a similar, but not identical, feature with its forDeveloper filter parameter, which restricts a search to only retrieve videos uploaded via the developer's application or website. The forDeveloper parameter can be used in conjunction with optional search parameters like the q parameter.

For this feature, each uploaded video is automatically tagged with the project number that is associated with the developer's application in the Google Developers Console.

When a search request subsequently sets the forDeveloper parameter to true, the API server uses the request's authorization credentials to identify the developer. Therefore, a developer can restrict results to videos uploaded through the developer's own app or website but not to videos uploaded through other apps or sites.

Playlist sorting options

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: List videos by publication date, viewcount, or rating

In the v2 API, the orderby parameter let you sort videos in a playlist by position, duration, publication date, title, and several other values. In the v3 API, playlist items are typically sorted by position in ascending order and other sorting options are not available.

There are a few exceptions. A new upload, favorite video, liked video, or recently watched video is automatically added as the first item (snippet.position=0) for the following types of playlists. So, each of these lists is effectively sorted in order of newest to oldest item based on the times that items were added to the list.

  • user uploads
  • favorite videos
  • liked videos
  • watch history

Note, however, that a new item added to the "Watch later" playlist is added as the last item in that list, so that list is effectively sorted from oldest to newest item.

Push notifications

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Push notifications for feed updates

The v2 API supported push notifications, using either the Simple Update Protocol (SUP) or PubSubHubbub, to monitor user activity feeds for YouTube users. Notifications were provided for new channel subscriptions and when videos were rated, shared, marked as favorites, commented on, or uploaded.

The v3 API supports push notifications using the PubSubHubbub protocol, but the notifications only cover video uploads and updates to video titles or video descriptions. The Subscribing to push notifications guide explains how to subscribe to and handle these push notifications.

Movies and shows

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Movies and shows

The v2 API provided a number of special feeds and metadata fields for describing movies, trailers, television shows, television seasons, and television episodes. Comparable functionality will not be provided in the v3 API at the time that the v2 API is deprecated.

Batch processing

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Batch processing

The v3 API supports one of the batch processing use cases that the v2 API had supported. The v3 API's channels.list, channelSections.list, guideCategories.list, playlistItems.list, playlists.list, subscriptions.list, videoCategories.list, and videos.list methods all support an id parameter, which can be used to specify a comma-delimited list of IDs (video IDs, channel IDs, etc.). Using those methods, you can retrieve a list of multiple resources with a single request.

Channel location

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Channel location

The v2 API used the <yt:location> tag to identify the user's location as entered in the channel's YouTube public profile. While some developers used this field to associate a channel with a particular country, the field's data could not consistently be used for that purpose.

Video responses

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Video responses


YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Contacts

Messages and video sharing

YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Messages and video sharing