Boston Barrier

A barrier to navigation? 

The RYA has met representatives from the Environment Agency and local councils to discuss the Boston Barrier project.

The Environment Agency is proposing to construct a tidal barrier to improve the standard of protection from tidal flooding to the town of Boston in Lincolnshire.

Boston has a history of tidal flooding via The Haven: the town flooded in 1953, again in 1978 and more recently during the east coast tidal surge in December 2013 when 800 properties, including 84 businesses, flooded across a total of 55 streets.

The proposals have also included provision to maintain water levels through the town as part of plans to regenerate the waterfront and improve inland navigation.

Recently RYA staff met representatives from the Environment Agency, Boston Council and Lincolnshire County Council to discuss the Boston Barrier project, the recent consultation on Boston Barrier Updated Scoping Report and the potential impact of the proposed barrier on recreational navigation.

The RYA is aware that the ability to hold and maintain the water level in the Haven is fundamental for inland waterways improvements like the Fens Waterways Link and that a key component of water level management is the provision of a barrier. Our main concern is the potential impact of retaining water levels in the Haven on navigation to and from the sea on all tides.

Boston Barrier

Following concerns raised by the RYA and representatives from local clubs, the Environment Agency now accepts that the plans for water level management require further consultation and assessment.

As a result, the decision has been made to progress with the construction of the barrier to deal with the immediate problem of flood defence and to develop plans for water level management at a later date to coincide with the development of the Fens Waterways Link after further consultation and appraisal has been undertaken.

The RYA is relatively content that the proposed operation of the barrier for flood defence alone should not impact significantly on navigation to and from the Haven from the sea, subject to agreement of appropriate safety measures during construction and future operation. However, the RYA remains concerned that future use of the barrier for water level management will have a far greater impact unless an appropriate level above ordnance datum for navigation can be agreed.

The RYA will remain engaged with the project as plans for the Barrier progress and in the future as plans for water level management are developed. We will also work with the regulators to ensure that any future changes to the operation of the barrier is subject to further consultation and that the design of the barrier enables any future requirement for a lock should one be required.

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Article Published: March 26, 2015 10:45

Article Updated: March 31, 2015 15:33


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