
Dart Sailability exists to encourage anyone with a disability to take part and enjoy the sport of sailing on the river Dart. Purpose built boats, which can be adapted to meet the needs of individual sailors are available to enable disabled people to get afloat. A hoist is available to safely lift wheelchair users into the boats.

We welcome new members with any disability, please go to the Information for Sailors page or Contact Us if you have any questions.

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We are located on the Kingswear side of the beautiful River Dart at Noss Marina. At Dart Sailability you can have a leisurely cruise on the river, learn to sail, take part in competitive racing or just enjoy good company and a cup of coffee.

Come along on a Tuesday or Saturday for a free taster session.

Dart Sailability Wrinkles

We have already covered Mooring - Cleating a Rope and how to tie a Round turn and two half-hitches, so we can now put these skills to good use in this month's wrinkle Mooring a Boat to the Pontoon.
Click here to see this and the previous 'wrinkles'
If you have any particular topic you would like covered – or would like to write yourself – please contact Nick
Help Dartsailability raise money by using every time you shop online.

More details and sign up.


  • First boats launched

    After lots of good work by the engineering and anti-fouling team, ARC, Safety 1 and Safety 3 were successfully launched yesterday and are now alongside the pontoon. ARC has had new seating fitted over the winter, so no further need for the plastic garden chairs! Roll on the season.

  • Disability Awareness Course

    Gwen has kindly offered to run a course on Sat 9th April at Noss. This course is mandatory for all volunteers so if you haven't attended one, or would like a refresher, please contact Gwen via Nick's contact details.

  • Power Boat course

    The recent PB 2 course was completed with three new volunteers being awarded their certificates. Congratulations to Denise, Keith and Colin.

    I intend to run another course early in the sailing season probably on Tuesday afternoons after sailing so if you are interested please email me or see me down at Noss. Richard Fellender ( Chief Power Instructor)

  • RDYC Membership

    The Royal Dart Yacht Club has very generously offered Dartsailability honourary membership. This will allow our group to participate in joint activities and to use the facilities of the club. Thank you RDYC. 


For videos and information from other
Sailability centres click the image


Today's Sailing

The winter refit is now drawing to a close but there is still plenty of work to do.  Anyone who is willing to help is welcome to join in at Noss on Tuesday mornings.
Sailing will start again in May 2016.

This Dartmouth weather forecast is generated by the Met Office Weather Widget

Please support Dart Sailability by making a donation....

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