Hazel McDonald


Add me to a list and you will be immediately blocked! Long held dream to see an independent Scotland in the EU. It will happen!





  1. After Brexit. do you think, the voters have changed there minds in voting for YES.

  2. Farage: - wants millions of Brits to lose EU citizenship - desperate to make an exception for his kids. Charming.

  3. Yeah. This is what happens with everything in Britain: Virtually every industry is in the pocket of rich Tories.

  4. DON'T believe it was 60+ million, maybe 60 at most !!!

  5. Daily Mirror conducts poll with 60+ million people and identifies Owen Smith would be better PM than Jeremy Corbyn

  6. I'd rather shout helplessly from the sidelines than work to achieve something by working with SNP says Kezia.

  7. Block this guy please. We're not wasting time arguing with the likes of him are we? Not this time!

  8. How was it 600 miles Scottish coastline went to England?How many yrs did liebour hid the Mcrone report?

  9. Hillary sold fracking for Chevron. But I'm sure her next ad will photoshop her in with these protesters.

  10. Hundreds left penniless due to system crash | News | The National

  11. I discovered via Spend half my life listening to BBC World Service... The only part of with a soul left in it.

  12. Unless we act boldy on climate today, the situation will only become much worse in years to come.

  13. Japan honours Scots team who helped crane gain Unesco status

  14. used “as a public justification for military action”, it would be “necessary to add whatever legal base was approved by the Attorney

  15. Dismal summer blamed for downturn in Scottish retail sales

  16. mt Percy Shelley wrote Mask of Anarchy after ........



