

Rebuttal. Labour. Ethical Socialism

Mostly Belfast
Geregistreerd in juli 2010

@LabourEoin is geblokkeerd

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  1. Crazy to think that John Prescott's basic advice "Let's accept the democratic outcome" is so controversial in the Labour Party today.

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  2. Could someone please tell me 1 of Yvette Cooper's specific policies. Just one? I would be very grateful. Many thanks.

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  3. Update: Latest CLP Endorsements show Jeremy Corbyn pulling away further Corbyn 79* Burnham 73 Cooper 62 Kendall 12

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  4. Good man Andy Burnham. Andy says he would be happy to serve in Jeremy Corbyn's Cabinet. That is the kind of unity the Labour Party needs.

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  5. 22 jul.

    All 4 Labour contenders have an equal right to run for leader. I'll support 100% whoever is elected leader. Time to put Party before ego.

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  6. 21 jul.

    Andy Burnham "If I had been leader of our party, we would have voted against the Tory Welfare Bill last night". Unfortunately, Harriet is.

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  7. 21 jul.

    This mess was not Andy Burnham's makin. He did more than any other Shadow Cabinet Minister to halt it. Of course I still back him for leader

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  8. 21 jul.

    Spent my childhood in poverty. Now ashamed to know UK Labour Party are aiding & abetting the condemnation of more children to the life I had

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  9. 20 jul.

    N East Labour MPs who voted against. Worth a follow?

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  10. 20 jul.

    Dear Scotland, the 56 SNP MPs you sent down to Westminster are standing strong against George Osborne's attack on the poor. Be proud.

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  11. 20 jul.

    Latest CLP Endorsement tally (Andy Burnham draws level) Burnham 71 Corbyn 71 Cooper 58 Kendall 12

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  12. 20 jul.

    61% of those hit by the Welfare Cap are single parents. As the son of a single mam, I am ashamed & appalled Labour has abandoned us tonight.

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  13. 19 jul.

    Andy Burnham just nailed it. You could cut the Welfare Bill £3bn a year by building 100,000 Council Homes.

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  14. 19 jul.

    I've corrected the 3 most commonly told lies against Andy Burnham by Rupert Murdoch's press. Please consider sharing

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  15. 18 jul.

    Big shout out to who lead the defence of NHS Doctors from Jeremy Hunt's idiocy. Today shows he has been vindicated.

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  16. 18 jul.

    Those who pick on Andy Burnham for steering clear of Rupert Murdoch and The Sun newspapers might want to read this

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  17. 18 jul.

    Jeremy Corbyn takes the lead in endorsements from Labour Councillors at coalface of Tory cuts

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  18. 18 jul.

    The Sun newspaper finally admits it has been smearing Andy Burnham will lies about Mid-Staffs all along (p2 yesterdy)

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    • @Daveypez

      Coordinator for 38 Degrees Gloucestershire working to reinstate a publicly owned and run NHS

    • @KathMBrom

      mum of four lively young things who also gets to work for her community! passionate about life, politics and people!Views are definitely my own as you will see.

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